Chapter 20 | containment

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A/n: ooo double update bc these next chapters were more case centric than system centric and easier to write

Everything was ready to go.

Tonight you'd get that stupid weapon.

Ryuzaki was to front for this mission, the others staying clear away from the front so he could focus on you know, not crashing a helicopter. Although you were worried, you knew Ryuzaki was a very to the point person. He would stay dead set focused on getting this weapon into the taskforces possession and nothing was going to stop him. You knew he'd get this done smoothly.

It was the after effects you worried about. Splitting happens in high stress situations and you wouldn't be surprised at all if something in this mission caused a split afterwards. Your goal here was to make sure NOTHING and NO ONE got in Ryuzakis way. Especially not Light.

The whole day leading up to this, he'd been hyping himself up and making sure he was well and truly grounded. In the front for sure and no other alters around to steal his spot by accident. You made sure no triggers were around as best as you could, and took on the task of retrieving the weapon.

You had to be just as focused as he was.

"Alright, let's do this. Remember just focus on flying this thing straight and directing the arrest. I'll take care of getting that weapon and keeping Light away" you said, blocking up in the helicopter.

You had no idea where Ryuzaki learned to fly a helicopter, but you weren't complaining it was pretty cool.

"I know, I've got this. I talked to Coil he's keeping Deneuve as far away from the front as possible and L and Ryuga know not ti interfere unless it's an absolute emergency. Make sure you don't leave this helicopter without protective gear ok? I'm not having you shot" Ryuzaki replied.

"Already on it, the second we gave clear access to his car I'm throwing in that helmet and bulletproof vest and going straight for it"

You didn't instead to shoot anyone yourself but you did have a gun in case Higuchi tried to shoot you first. You only shot to disable in self defence, not kill.

"You can do this" you assured, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I trust you'll carry out your side of the plan flawlessly too" he replied, with a smile.

God you adored their smiles.

You'd never been on a mission like this before, so being in the air tailing a while police chase was thrilling. Matsudas fuck up ended up being the key to this chase in the first place, using what he knew of yotsuba and Misas acting skills you were able to trick Higuchi into thinking he was going to be exposed and panic into trying to get to Sakura TV. Little did he know it was all a sting operation and the police were all in on it.

And so he found himself speeding down the highway chased by multiple police cars, a helicopter and plenty of backup in full protective gear. For all you and the taskforce knew he could kill with only a face now, and he was armed. So you weren't taking any chances.

From monitoring the situation you knew that he talked to someone you couldn't see about killing. Maybe someone on a wiretap? You didn't know yet. And he wrote something down before a victim died too, so whatever that notebook was you had to retrieve that for evidence.

You watched as the chase began to work against his favour and cars came from both directions to corner him. This was it, now was the time. You quickly geared up, stood by the side of the helicopter ready to climb down via the rope ladder attached to get to the car as soon as you could.

"Be careful, and don't take off your helmet for anything" Ryuzaki told you, his voice heard through your headset.

"I know what to do, I just need to make sure he doesn't pull a gun on me. As soon as he's disarmed I'm going for it" you replied.

It was like watching an action movie, the cars cornered him, the helicopter came to a hover and ready to land when needed. Higuchi stepped out of the car with his hands up but you didn't trust that one bit.

You waited, you knew if you went down now you'd be shot at. Even with protective gear you didn't want to risk that. Not only would it hurt you but the system adored you and you knew if you got shot it'd only stress them out more than they already were.

"Careful sweetheart" Ryuzaki said, anxiously watching you assess the situation.

"Hang on... any second now" you replied.

Just as you thought, he tried to pull a gun on one of the officers causing him to be rushed and restrained. Now he was disarmed now was your chance. You quickly got down the rope ladder, landing with a clap of your boots against the road. Rushing through the crowd to the car before anyone else could you jumped in and began to dig through everything in it.

Brief case, work papers, phone, keys, wallet, pen...

Death Note?

You picked it up and looked it over. A black book, simply titled death note. Given the situation you felt like it might be involved somehow so you opened it and was met with a page full of rules.

The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

What? Was this some kind of log of all the victims?

Flipping through the pages you were met with lists on names, dates and causes of death. It definitely seemed to be some kind of log of victims. You kept a hold of it, and got out to open the back doors to check the backseat and boot. But you quickly found that wouldn't be necessary.

When you turned to get the next door, you immediately froze in your tracks when your eyes met something...



A tall, skeletal looking creature. A bandage over one eye and strange tendrils that seemed to mimic hair. It was massively tall, menacing looking and almost gave you a heart attack. You straight up stumbled back in fright when you saw it, gripping the book in fear.

What the fuck was that? Where you hallucinating? No you couldn't be... you hadn't taken any drugs, didn't suffer from any hallucinogenic disorders, and you'd never experienced this before. You were really seeing this thing.

And it seemed to be seeing you too, looking right back at you.

"(Y/n), (y/n)! Are you ok? What happened?" Ryuzakis voice came through the headset. M

In that moment it hit you. The scheme Kira mentioned shinigami all the at back in the initial tape incident. What did they also mention? Notebooks.

You looked down at the book, and back up at the shinigami.

"Ryuzaki... this book. It's the weapon" you said.


"I touched it and... there's a shinigami right in front of me"

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