What Happens Now?

Start from the beginning

"We're SO glad you're all right. We were so scared you might not make it."

Yeah well they would be.

"Well I did, so stop worrying."

Again the room falls silent for a moment before Buffy speaks.

"Well, since you're feeling all right and you survived... what happened, we were wondering if there was anything you wanted to talk about."

"Not really..."

"There's nothing you want to talk about? Or maybe ask us? Nothing you want to say?"

I just keep staring down at my wrists.


"Well whatever it is, we're not gonna push you into talking about anything. Take your time..."

I look right at Faith, interrupting.

"Do you love me?"

"What? Of course I do, I love you very much I..."

"Not just, I mean, all three of you... do you guys really love me? Even though I'm just a key?"

"Yes, we do Dawn."

"We love you a lot Dawnie, you're more than just a key to us. You're family."

"Yeah kid, you're our flesh and blood."

I hold up my wrist and shake it.

"I think that message got through."

The room goes quiet for a second.

"Dawnie, honey, please don't make jokes like that. We know you're angry at us and you feel like you want to hurt us back, but we're sorry and we promise to be completely honest with you from now on. No more secrets. We were just worried that if you found out the truth, you might..."

"Hurt myself?"


"Well I did, so I guess you know me pretty well."


Buffy reaches out and touches my hand. All the sudden this weird feeling washes over me. I look down at her hand on mine and then look her in the eyes.

"You had every right to be mad at us, and you still do. We'll do whatever it takes to get you to trust us again, to make you feel safe, the way a family should be."

"And what kind of family are we exactly? I don't know of anyone who has three mothers. I'm not really sure I like the idea myself."

"We'll just have to figure it out together. We can just go with whatever feels normal."

"Nothing about this feels normal, nothing about me feels normal. I don't know how to feel about any of this."

Faith puts her hand on Buffy's and that weird feeling gets even worse.

I really don't feel right.

I pull my hand away and they seem hurt by it.

"You don't have to figure everything out right away kid. We can just take things day by day and sooner or later, it will make sense."

"I may not get a chance to take it day by day..."

"What do you mean Dawnie? Why would you say something like that?"

I take a long deep breath.

"Because of Glory..."

"Dawn, we're not going to let that thing touch you. We'll keep you safe from her and anything that she throws our way. Besides, she doesn't even know you're what she's looking for, and she won't figure it out."

She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now