Bonus Chapter: Jaskier and the Selkiemore

Start from the beginning

She hadn't actually had a conversation with Geralt about what happened. Despite knowing that Triss thought it would be best that she at least told Geralt how she felt. But, of course, Jamie hadn't said anything at all. She should have said something, but since Temeria, Geralt hadn't brought any other... women of the night into their rooms while she was out. So, Jamie felt as if it was a conversation that they didn't need to have anymore.

Slowly turning around, Jamie exhaled and opened her eyes. She squinted her eyes for a second before screaming out. She covered her breasts and ducked into the water, "Geralt!"

"Wait, no, Jamie-"

But it was too late, Geralt had already come with his sword out. His eyes land on Jamie before they shoot over to Jaskier, who was still staring widely at Jamie. He pointed his weapon over at Jaskier, "Eyes up."

"Right, sorry, I apologize-" Jaskier cleared his throat and kept his eyes up, slowly turning his head so he looked at Geralt instead, "I just saw a beautiful maiden in the water and assumed she must need some assistance."

"Assistance?" Jamie demanded harshly, scurrying out of the water and grabbing her cloak to cover herself, "In no way did I seem distress, you simply wanted to sneak a peek."

"If I knew it was you, Jamie-" Jaskier swallowed uncomfortably since Geralt still had the blade under his chin, "Trust me, I would avoid looking at all costs."

"Love that." She deadpans at his words, bending over and bunding her clothes up in her hands, "Really makes me feel better."

"I'd feel better if this blade wasn't pressed against my skin."

"Geralt-" Jamie reached out and held onto his wrist, "He's not going to attack me, you can stop now."

"Hm." He grunted as he drew sword back, "What are you doing here, Jaskier?"

"Right-" Jaskier literally refused to look over at Jamie, keeping his eyes trained on Geralt instead, "Well, I heard a rumor that there was a scary beast terrorizing this town, so I knew that The White Wolf and his Golden Girl must be heading here to collect some coin."

Jamie unclasped her cloak after getting her clothes on, "What scary beast?" She looked between him and Geralt for a moment, "We were travelling to go kill some beast?"

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Jaskier was suddenly back to himself, the tenseness he once felt completely gone now that Jamie had calmed, "A big scary worm thing has been bothering the people of the town, snatching up farm animals, people. All that lovely mess of things. I figured that Geralt here would hear about it somehow and not help himself."

"Worm?" Jamie squeezed her hair, tilting her head to the side and letting all the water fall, "So it's a selkiemore, right?"

Geralt tore his eyes away from Jaskier to look at Jamie now, "It's likely."

In Jamie's eyes, a selkiemore always sounded like a sand worm from the Dune book series, though she did watch the weird short series with James McAvoy starring at Leto Atreides II, it was really weird and kind of hard to follow for a fourteen year old. A big difference is that there wasn't any sand in this area, so this worm thing had to be pretty terrifying if it was hiding somewhere.

"The water." She suddenly says, turning her body so she was staring over at the waterfall, "Could a selkiemore live in water?"

"It can."

"Then we should-"

Geralt instantly interrupted her and stopped her from moving by taking her wrist in his hand, "You are not doing anything. Jaskier, town."

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