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asia walked to the outside of the cafe where reese hasd texted her to meet. she wore a casual outfit of jean shorts and a t shirt with a pair or air max's. as she turned the corner revealing the blue metal tables with matching chairs, in the center of all of them sat reese.

"how are you" reese hugged asia.

"good, you?" asia smiled at him and sat down across from him.

"good good" reese nodded smiling genuinely. reese looked over his shoulder and as if it were on queue a little girl came running over.

"mija i want you to meet someone" reese picked up the toddler, no older than 2 or 3 "this is your tia" reese held her up while asia looked at him surprised.

"now way!" asia replied shocked. reese set the little girl down and she cane over giving asia a hug.

"her name is isábel" reese smiled brightly.

"i see drugs wasn't the only thing you were involved in" asia raised a brow at him holding isábel in her lap while she ate a popsicle.

"your not wrong. mama is working right now isn't she" reese said to asia but directed it towards his daughter.

"i'm really happy for you reese, she's beautiful and i'm sure her mother is as well" asia smiled at her big brother.

"this has always been the dream" reese nodded. isábel got up and ran over to a women at the play area.

"don't worry it's the caregiver, not a stranger" reese laughed at asias concern "about the empire...."

"what about it?" asia raised a brow because this was the last thing she wanted to get pulled back into.

"we've calmed down. i'm almost out, with isábel i can't be putting us, her in that much danger" reese explained.

"you can't just get out you know that, it's not that simple, how are you planning on doing this?" asia asked concerned.

"i know, a guy in mexico, el serpiente is what they call him. he is interested in buying, if he buys i'm out, for good" reese continued.


"he is in the process of testing the product" reese rolled his eyes "i assured him its pure, nothing but he best but he insisted"

"i feel almost offended he would think anything less of you" asia replied sarcastically laughing

"i know right!" reese exclaimed "anyways with all that i'll have enough to live and for my children's children's children's children's to live"

"i'm happy for you reese, i really am. it's only fair that if i got out then your should be able to as well" asia leaned over the table and grabbed his hand.


"z look at who i met today" asia held up her phone only showing her face in the frame.

"who?" zion twisted his dread sitting at an outside table eating lunch with the guys.

"this is isábel and she is my sobrina, i'm a tia!" asia announced excitedly putting isábel in the frame. zions face lit up once he saw her.

"she's adorable" zion paused "she looks strangely a lot like you"

"i know it's weird" asia smiled at isábel and placed a kiss on her cheek "well i got to go but i'll see you tonight?"

"yeah, love you"

"love you too" asia replied and hung up the phone.

"when do you leave?" reese asked as the two of them began walking to their cars.

"late tonight" asia replied.

"oh well in that case see you later" reese hugged asia who gave him back isabel. asia squeezed her face before she said goodbye to her.

"yeah, call me when you come to la if you do anytime soon" asia hugged reese.

"will do" reese smiled as she entered her car and drove off. asia looked in her rear view to see reese and isábel waving to her. secretly asia was a little jealous because of how beautiful isábel was and that's all asia wants but still now isn't the right time for her.

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