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it wasn't long after asia and zion entered the house until the heard another knock at the door.

"all get it" zion insisted but before he could reach it it swung open to reveal reese.

"baby sister!" reese opened his arms as he walked by zion.

"what do you want reese" asia said sternly.

"jeeezz i know i've been gone for a minute but i thought i'd at least get a reese pieces" reese exclaimed expecting asia to call him by his childhood nickname. zion walked to the door shutting it after their welcomed guest and joined them back in the living room. "but you know your right let's get straight to business. i need information on a girl named nova, you might know her"

"no i don't know anyone named nova" asia replied truthfully.

"oh my bad you would know her as carly abignalie" reese correted himself. the name in fact did ring a bell to asia, she had shot with her for a boohoo shoot, but she was just a photographer, why would she have anything to do with reese.

"i don't" asia lied.

"come on aige i can see right through your lies" reese walks towards asia and rubbed his finger on her cheek.

"no i don't" asia replied again pulling herself away from him.

"man she said she doesn't just go" zion stepped in which reese just ignored.

"now asia this girl owes me money, and you know how i don't like when people have depts to me" his temper began to grow "now i'm going to ask you again give me her info"

"i don't have it" asia lied once again. reese was fed up with asia not being compliant. he grabbed onto asias neck and pushed her against the wall.

"i can't breathe" asia gasped trying to pry his hand off of her neck but he was too strong.

"hey the fuck off my girl!" zion screamed and charged at reese. he threw a punch at reese but reese only hit him back harder knocking zion to the ground making him hit his head on the table knocking him out.

"z" asia mouthed with tears strolling down her face.

"asia i hate doing this, but wow this has taken much longer than i thought it would" reese looked down and checked his watch "now tell me" he tighter his grip. asias handed continued to pry at his wrist but it was no use.

"boohoo photography, the number is on a card in my wallet" asia gasped out making reese release his grip on asias throat. asia slid down the wall gasping for air.

"was that so hard?" reese laughed as he opened the wallet and took out the card "missed doing business with you" reese flashed asia a smile and walked out the door. tears rolled down asias face still trying to gain the strength to make it over to zion to see if he was ok.

"z" asia whispered as she crawled towards him. she grabbed his face picking his head up from the ground to see a gash in his forehead. "oh baby" asia whispered through her tears. she held zions head in her hand and reached for her phone that was laying in the floor.


"it's asia sterling perez blanco, i need help" asia cried into the phone still holding zions head in her hand.

"we are on our way ms. blanco"

"thank you" asia cried hanging up the phone and continued to hold zion until help arrived.

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