630 19 0

location: atl

"so reese reached out to me a week ago" asia said casually as he and zion got ready for bed in their hotel room. zion pulled the shirt over his head and looked at asia suspiciously.

"tf he want" zion laughed amused by reese.

"he wanted to meet up at the miami show" asia replied back shutting off her phone and placed it on the bed.

"when is he going to get it that you want nothing to do with him" zion chuckled sitting on the bed next to asia.

"i said yes" asia replied.

"what?" zion asked confused.

"we are meeting up, he wanted to come to the show, and then he said he had news for me" asia recited what reese said to her. zion sat up with a disgusted look on his face.

"you can't be serious right?" zion laughed at her "right?" he replied seriously seeing how her emotions didn't change.

"i'm serious" asia replied a bit offended "i know the shit he has done-"

"clearly you don't" zion raised his voice standing up from the bed.

"i do" asia said sternly swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"i don't think you do. he caused you so much pain and you just forgive him?" zion said.

"i'm not forgiving him" asia replied defensively.

"seems like you are"

"i'm just trying to have something i didnt! a normal family is that too much to ask for? i have no one, no family that is mine! god forbid me to try and take a chance to have what i've always wanted when it's handed right to me!" asia defended herself. she was too mad to cry but damn she wanted to.

"he is just going to hurt you again! like he always does!" zion yelled.

"you clearly dont know what it's like to grow up with no siblings in a broken family!"

"your right i don't but if i didn't i would be as fucking stupid as you and run back to the source of all my pain. you are blinded by love you just feed into him just like your mom!" zion screamed. once his last sentence came out of his mouth he wanted to take it back, he didn't mean it, it was a low blow. asia clenched the pillow she held to her chest, she refused to let him see her cry over this, but in a way she wanted to to let him know how bad it hurt.

"i think i should sleep somewhere else tonight" asia said turning around and walked out the room ignoring zion trying to tell her sorry. she shuffled down the hall to austin and ansleys room. she knocked on the door waking up ansley and austin.

"hey" ansley greeted asia wiping her eyes "what happened?" ansley asked.

"can i sleep here tonight?" asia asked letting more tears fall.

"yeah of course, austin will sleep with nick, right?" ansley said turing back to look at austin who stood behind her.

"of course" austin nodded and headed towards nick room giving asia a hug before he left. ansley lead asia over to the bed rubbing her back comforting her.

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