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the whole night to say the least charlotte couldn't stop talking about the mystery man at the bar. asia and charlotte sat at their table talking about the guy when charlotte spotted the last person asia would want to see, alex. on the other hand over charlottes shoulder asia spotted the guy that her best friend longs to talk to.

"don't look now but that guy is walking over here" asia said threw her smiled.

"what!?" charlotte exclaimed and reframed from turning around. charlotte continued to freak out as the guy she was super interested in was walking towards her but now so was alex.

"hey why don't you go talk to him?" charlotte proposed. asia twisted her face in confusion.

"but you've been-"

"i insist hype me up" charlotte practically pushed asia in the direction of the guy and waited until she saw them greet eachother to walk over to alex who was standing a foot away.

"what the hell are you doing here!?" charlotte whisper yelled.

"chill i'm the dj" alex replied

"then shouldn't you be at the dj booth then!?" charlotte pointed indirectly to the opposite side of the party.

"hey" asia said awkwardly.

"hey" the guy laughed.

"i'm asia" asia extended her hand and he met it.

"nice to meet you asia, and your friends name?" he questioned looking over asias shoulder at her talking to another guy.

"charlotte" asia smiled at the fact that he seemed interested.

"i just want to talk to her, tell her i love her, get back together" alex pushed.

"get this through your head, she doesn't love you anymore, she doesn't want to talk to you, and she has a boyfriend!" charlotte screamed attracting attention.

"umm about your friend, charlotte, is she good?" the guys gaze directed asia to behind her where two people stood next to their table arguing. from where asia stood charlottes head was blocking the guys face but asia knew she needed to stop it.

"uhh sorry but-"

"totally fine" the guy let asia rush over to her friend.

"char" asia cane up behind her friend and put a hand on her shoulder. that's when she saw who she was talking to, "come on let's go"

"aige please" alex begged as asia and charlotte walked away from him.

"it's asia" asia snapped her head back and continued walking. asia demanded charlotte to stay at the table so that's what she did while asia went to the bathroom.

i walked into the empty bathroom and rested my hands against the sink. why? why now, why him? like i said before when everything is going good he finds a way to ruin it. i looked at myself in the mirror. i couldn't even recognize myself in the mirror, all i saw was a girl who let a guy ruin them, a guy they didn't even love.

"asia" alex opened the bathroom door and walked in, at the sudden movement it scared me.

"alex this is a women's bathroom you can't be in here" i said sternly.

"i'll do anything to get you back aige" alex walked towards me making me back up against the wall.

"alex i told you once and i'll say it a million times stay away from me, we aren't together anymore. there's no more us."

"that's what you aren't getting there can be an us" alex had a hopeful look in his eyes but also a look of insanity.

"no alex, i'm very much in love and it's not with you" he made his way so that he was standing in front of me so i couldn't move from where i was standing. holy shit, did i just admit that i love z?

"you just can't see it yet" a grin came over alex's face and he brought his hand up to my mouth holding my face in one hand.

"alex stop" i moved my head to the side as much as i could before it was pulled back by alex.

back at the party:

"im into modeling too what agency are you..." the mystery guy, jack, asked charlotte as they talked at the bar. over charlottes shoulder jack saw asia enter the bathroom but he also saw alex follow, but not enter.

"hello?" charlotte laughed at jack who had totally disengaged from their conversation.

"oh i'm sorry i-" jack started again but was cut off when he saw alex enter the restroom "wait here" jack buttoned his blazer and walked towards the bathroom leaving charlotte confused. jack stormed into the bathroom to see alex blocking asia

"i think you should leave" jack said making alex turn around.

"hey man a little privacy for me and my girl" alex laughed casually removing his hand from asias face.

"leave with out a mark, or leave with a broken nose your choice" jack threatened.

"ok ok, aige i'll be waiting for you out there" alex turned back and winked at her. alex exited the bathroom leaving asia and jack standing there alone.

"are you ok?" jack asked concerned.

"yes i'm all good" asia replied going up to the mirror and fixing her smudged makeup. alex didn't get to do anything thanks to the mystery guy. "thank you, and i mean it"

"no problem, you need anything?"

"no but i'm going to call it a night" asia walked from the mirror to the door followed by jack and made her way to the exit. "make sure you tell char for me ok?" asia asked jack before they parted ways.

"yeah of course" jack smiled at her. asia smiled back and went to the front of the venue where a car was ready waiting for anyone who needed a ride. she slid into the back of the car and told the driver her destination.

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