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"mama we have to go to the venue" zion shook asia lightly waking her up.

"what time is it?" asia looked around drowsily.

"10 in the morning mama" zion replied rubbing asias stomach and sides as she laid in bed.

"wow i slept late" asia said sitting up and rested her head on zions shoulder "ok give me five minutes" asia said kissing zions cheek and went over to her suitcase pulling out a pair of grey joggers and a black silk tank top.

"you tryin start something you can't finish?" zion chuckled from the bed as he watched the fabric from asias pajamas slowly fall to the floor.

"your dreaming" asia laughed and pulled on the joggers. to finish off she put on an oversized black windbreaker and put her hair in a low messy bun.

"you look beautiful" zion kissed her cheek as they walked out of the room after asia finished brushing her teeth.

"thanks baby" asia smiled up at him and wrapped her hand around his. they entered the elevator that took them down to the lobby where the guys were waiting. they all hopped in the van and headed to the venue. they pulled up to the back entrance where they saw the line from the front already forming. they followed management into the green rooms and then to the stage.

"woah" asia replied shocked as to how big the venue was. she looked at the enpty seats in front of her making her feel queasy. she couldnt possibly imagine performing in front of people.

"asia were going to the green rooms" nick said calling after me. i rushed along his side catching up to him as everyone walked back.

"you excited?" nick asked me as we went enteres the wardrobe room.

"yeah of course this is the first show of tour i'm seeing" i smiled and sat down in the couch.

"you should come out on stage the fans would love it" nick suggested as he dished through shirts and pants options.

"hell no" i laughed at him for even suggesting it.

"do we have a bit of stage fright on our hands?" nick teased me.

"yes in fact we do" i stuck my youngest out at him.


the guys had just wrapped sound check. asia sat in the audience watching them goof off with eachother. it was almost time for the meet and greet, they could hear fans chanting for prettymuch outside the venue.

"hey you want to stay in the green room for the meet and greet or do you want to chill there?" zion asked asia pointing to a couch that was behind the camera.

"what do you want?" asia asked zion not wanting to cause anything if she was out there.

"i want you out here mama but it's up to you" zion said shrugging holding asias hands.

"i'll stay out here then" asia smiled at him and took a seat on the couch. the photographer set up the camera snapping a few tester pictures and then the flood of fans filed in. asia watched as the first girl in line ran up to them excitedly and hugged austin first.

"is that asia?" asia heard from the line. instinctively asia turned around at the sound of her name and the girls screamed to eachother and jumped up and down. asia smiled and waved at them making them freak out even more. she had nothing better to do so she decided to walk over and talk to them.

"aige where you going?" zion asked protectively.

"talking to the beanz" asia replied and walked over to the girls who caught her attention.

"hi" asia waved at them.

"omg your like so much prettier in person, not that your not pretty online but like your like really REALLY pretty" one girl rambled off.

"thank you" asia stuck out her bottom lip "i want to give you a hug" asia stuck her arms out and hugged the girl.

"omg" the girl fanned her face as they pulled away from the hug.

"what's your name?" asia asked.

"my name is annabel" she replied.

"well annabel you are amazing" asia smiled at her "who's your friend?"

"i'm saige" the slightly taller girl waved.

"it's nice to meet you i'm asia" asia hugged her as well.

"are you!?" saige said pointing to the ring on asias ring finger, her engagement ring. asia looked down at her hand twisting the ring and looked up at zion she was talking to a fan.

"yeah" asia smiled.

"NO WAY!" annabel yelled scaring the people around her "how long!?"

"uhhh a month ago? maybe a little more i can't remember off the top of my head" asia replied honestly. a spree of congrats came from the line making asia genuinely happy.

"hey guys i have to steal her for a second" zion said coming up behind asia and pulled her so her back was to the fans. of course they all began to go crazy calling his name.

"did you eat dinner yet?" zion asked asia.

"no not yet" asia replied

"i uber eats you a quinoa salad and pizza if you want it" zion offered her but in reality zion wouldn't go on stage untill he saw her eating because he was over protective like that.

"sounds great, now get back they are waiting for you" asia shoved him back towards the photographer.

"ok like the cutest thing i have ever seen" saige commented making several girls around her agree.

"is he always like that?" annabel asked.

"yeah he is always making sure i'm taking care of myself" asia smiled looking at him and the guys fooling around with eachother.

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