chapter forty seven.

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Goofy | Luna

this chapter contains sexually explicit content, if this makes you uncomfortable it begins just after the chapter break (* * *) until the end of the chapter, so just skip ahead to the authors note x

Watching Luke and Jack carry a brand new leather sofa into the elevator had to be one of the amusing sights of my life; especially from where I was seated - on the sofa. 

"Get off you freaking heffalump," Jack groaned.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend you're calling a heffalump mate," Luke rebutted, glaring playfully across at his brother as he pressing the elevator button with his hip. 

"You know the little heffalump in the Winnie the Pooh movie was very cute so I will take it as a compliment," I grinned.

"I'm just glad this is a sectional sofa, imagine trying to get a full sized bloody sofa in here or up a shit tonne of stairs." Jack said with a huff. He was very clearly out of breath but trying his best not to show it. This wasn't the first piece of furniture he'd lifted, in fact, it was closer to the 20th piece.

Luke dropped his end and I went plummeting towards the ground. Wind puffed up from my lungs through my throat and I frowned at him. 

"If it was any bigger I'd recommend hiring a crane and aiming it through the balcony doors," I stated as I picked myself up off the ground.

"See I would have never have even thought of that," Jack laughed. "Damn Luke, you really got a smart one here."

"Hey, I wasn't in mathlete's for no reason," I grinned with a wink.

"Oi," Luke frowned, "so was I!"

I gave him a knowing look, as if to say 'well who was the one who dropped out of the team' and he scrunched his face up at me. 

The elevator steadily rose, the added weight from the sofa making it a tad more slow than usual. Luckily for us this was the last piece of the puzzle that was our new home. It felt weird saying that so casually, who would have thought that I would be living with my boyfriend and so soon at that.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't had doubts; this was a massive step in our relationship and we were still in high school. This was a lot different than me staying at his for a few weeks, even though at first it didn't seem like it. Reality had hit me a few times over the course of the past few nights as I lay awake next to Luke in his bed listening to his snores. I really loved him and I didn't want this to ruin us. 

Alas, the pros would forever outweigh the cons. I would get to spend everyday with my second best friend (no one could replace Harley, ever), have the freedom to go into the bustling city that sat on my doorstep whenever I pleased, I could have friends over, and I got to sleep next to Luke each night without parents checking in...

... I think it's obvious where that statements going.

"All done!" chirped Luke as he clapped his hands together, dust floating through the air from his grubby hands. The three of us stood in a triangle, hands on hips and admired the new set up. It felt homey and warm; it was no longer a flea infested sofa sitting in the middle of the room. There were plants, a credenza which held my record player and all the vinyls to go with, a large circular mirror opened up the space, and a bookshelf held a mixture of all the novels the three of us liked. And that was just the living room. 

My favourite part of the apartment was the pantry. The final section of the sofa was the only parted I'd actually "aided" in bringing up the elevator. While the boys had been dragging each individual item of furniture and decor I'd been down to Kmart to get some glass jars and then over to the organic bulk food shop to fill said jars. The pantry was beautifully organised with all the flours, sugars, dried fruits and occasional sweet treats you could think of and everything was vegetarian. I was totally convinced I could manage to convert the boys within six months of being here. A tough job, but I loved a good challenge. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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