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"Gerard, "I whispered softly.

"Yeah, "he asked.

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you did something different?" I asked him.

"Every day, "he replied quietly.

"Do you ever regret your past?" I asked, rolling onto my side. He looked at me for a minute. Finally, he took a deep breath and then sighed.

"Yes, "he said quietly. "I have regretted my past. However, if things were any different, I may never have met you. If I never met you, we wouldn't have Bella." I nodded slowly.

"That's true, "I whispered. He put a hand to my face and ran his hand over my cheek. I felt my heart race at his touch. He moved a little closer and draped his arm over my waist. I tried to keep my breathing even. He leaned his head against mine and I closed my eyes. I felt his warm lips on mine and my heart pounded in my chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss. He pulled away and then, he placed a kiss on my neck. I shivered momentarily. He looked at me warily.

"Tell me when to stop, "he requested. I nodded, and he slid his lips down my neck. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he kissed my collar bone lightly. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and I shivered as the air hit my skin. His warm hands ran up and down my sides. He kissed down my chest to my stomach. His hair tickled my skin as it fell lightly on my stomach. He got to the top of my pants and as much as my heart wanted him to continue, my head screamed for him to stop.

"St-Stop, "I stuttered. He smirked, and moved back to his original position beside me.

"I told you that all you had to do was say stop, "he smiled, brushing a piece of hair from my face. I placed my hand on either side of his neck and pulled him towards me, kissing him softly. It was a much needed touch that I just hadn't been getting.

Gerard's POV

I watched her as she slept. She was so beautiful. Part of me really hoped that, in these three months, she would really discover that she loved me and then, we'd be together forever. The other part didn't want to see my baby brother suffer. I knew I was only complicating matters worse by kissing her, but I couldn't help myself. She was beautiful. She stirred momentarily before going back to sleep. I thought about how she made me feel and I guessed that this must be what Mikey feels with her.

Mikey's POV

I lay alone on my bed. I thought of the fact that she was now lying with Gerard. I knew it was stupid to push her away, but I knew she loved him. She was different around him, and everyone saw it. I thought about how he had kissed her. He said it was nothing, but his eyes told a different story. She said it was nothing, but it was written all over her face. I knew I'm as exciting as he is. Yet, I still wanted her to love me. I just hoped that I didn't kill any chance with her.

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