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Gerard's POV

I looked at Mikey disbelievingly.

"She really wants me to be there?" I questioned suspiciously. He nodded. "Do you mind?" I knew he did, but he just smiled and pushed me into the small room. She was breathing heavily. She glanced up and smiled.

"Hey, Gee, "she smiled at me. I stood back nervously. She motioned for me to go over to her. Mikey took his place on one side of her, and I stood opposite of him. A doctor came in and looked at the two of us, standing next to her.

"Um, I see your dilemma, Mrs. Way, "she laughed quietly. Reese just laughed shyly. "Well, I'm assuming that this is the father." She pointed to me and I nodded slowly.

"They are brothers, "she laughed lightly. Mikey just shook his head, stifling a laugh.

"Oh, but that's your husband right?" she asked, pointing to Mikey. He nodded and Reese grabbed his hand.

"He most certainly is, but he also is the most understanding husband anyone can ever have, "she said as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. I closed my eyes. I shouldn't be in here.

Mikey's POV

She squeezed my hand tightly. I kissed the top of her head and as I looked up, Gerard had his eyes clamped shut. I raised a brow, but I didn't say anything about it. I studied him for a moment, trying to imagine what he was thinking. I was pulled out of my thought by Reese gripping my hand tightly.

"Fuck!" She growled. This caused both me and Gerard to jump slightly. The doctor smiled at us as she looked up from under the gown.

"It's time, "she smiled. "Now, Reese, I'm going to need you to try and even your breathing for me. Try this, and boys, it'd be nice if you two could help me out here. Okay, Reese, try breathing like this." She proceeded to demonstrate the breathing that I'd see in many movies. Gerard and I both tried to awkwardly help her, and she glared at both of us.

"You guys are fucking retarded, "she growled. I knew she didn't mean to be so bitchy, but I was definitely taken aback.

"Okay, good, "the doctor said, smiling again. "Now, Reese, I need you to give a good hard push on the count of three. Okay, one, two, three, push, "she instructed. I'm guessing that's what she did, because she screamed loudly. She had a tight grip on my hand. I looked over at Gerard who had the deer-in-the-headlights expression. The doctor instructed her to push again, and this time, as she screamed, Gerard hit the floor. She looked down at him.

"Um, he'll be fine, "the doctor said quickly.

"Fucking baby, "Reese hissed. I was slightly frightened by her temper at that point. She looked up at me and I forced a nervous smile.

"Okay, you're doing great. Now, I need you to push again. Are you ready?" The doctor asked quickly. She nodded and on three, she gave a push. "Okay, great. You can see the head!" This bit of information made me feel very uneasy. Suddenly, a monitor began beeping quickly. The doctor frowned and then looked at me.

"What does that mean?" I asked nervously.

"It means that we need to get that baby out quicker. Reese, listen to me. I need you to push really hard for me, please! We have to get the baby out, "she said, checking the machine. "One, two, three, push." They repeated that a few times before she looked up at me and smiled. The sound of crying filled the room.

"Well, Reese, you have a wonderful baby girl, "she said softly. Reese lay panting and she smiled softly. The doctor wrapped the baby up in a blanket and handed it to her. She looked at her caringly and the baby smiled in return. At this point, I decided to go help Gerard up. I walked over to him and pulled him up off of the ground.

"Dude, what the fuck happened?" He muttered.

"You fainted, "I smirked. He looked down and laughed quietly.

"I did the same thing when you were born, "he said softly. The doctor came back to Reese.

"We're just going to go get her cleaned up. That should give you guys some time to think of a name, "she smiled. Reese handed her the baby and I turned to face her. She smiled at me tiredly.

"Hey, baby, "I said softly.

"You did really good, "she said. "You did a lot better than Gerard there, "she laughed.

"So, what do you think we should name her?" I asked, shifting nervously.

"Hmm, I don't know. What do you think, Gerard?" She asked him. He looked up.

"You're asking me?" He said, obviously shocked.

"It is your kid, "I said softly. He looked down nervously.

"Um, I always wanted to name my little girl Annabelle, "he said quietly. She looked at me and I nodded.

"Yeah, that's a good one, "I said.

"Well, it's actually a combination of the name Anna, which means Grace, and the name Belle, which means Beautiful, "he said quietly, running a hand through his hair. The fact that he put so much thought into a name made me smile.

"Okay, Mikey picks the middle name, "she smiled at me. I thought for a moment.

"I like Tonya, "I said thoughtfully. She smiled in approval. "It means worthy of praise."

"Wow, do you two just look up names and their meanings?" She laughed. Gerard and I smiled at each other. "So it's settled. Her name shall be forever more Annabelle Tonya Way."

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