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Reese's POV

I handed Annabelle to Mikey. He took her carefully and studied her. He smiled softly.

"She has your eyes, "he whispered. He put his hand to her cheek and ran his finger lightly over it. She cooed in delight. His eyes brightened and she reached up to his hand. She wrapped her tiny hand around his finger. I could just see his heart melting.

Mikey's POV

I stared at Annabelle for a few minutes, and I felt my heart break a little, noticing how much she looked like her father. She opened her eyes and I felt myself smile. She had her mother's beautiful green eyes.

"She has your eyes, "I said softly. I ran a finger over her cheek and she made a soft giggle noise. She reached out to me and took my finger in her little hand. I felt my heart totally melt. She smiled and cooed softly. "Hey, Annabelle, "I whispered to her. Her eyes brightened and her tiny grip tightened just slightly.

Gerard's POV

I sat nervously outside of the door. Mikey came out and motioned for me to go inside. He left to go tell the guys the news. I walked over to Reese who was holding Annabelle. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey, would you like to hold her?" She asked softly. I felt the words catch in my throat so I just nodded. She instructed me on how to hold the baby. When Annabelle was set in my arms, her eyes opened, revealing the bright green irises.

"She has your eyes, "I smiled at her. She smiled back and nodded.

"Mikey said the exact same thing, "she laughed quietly. I looked at her and bit my lip.

"Reese, that reminds me... I really think that she shouldn't know..."I said quietly.

"She shouldn't know what?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Mikey wants to be a father, and really... I just think it'd be better if she didn't know that he's not really her dad, "I choked. "I don't know. I mean, it's not that I don't want her to know... It'd be really hard to explain though... I mean, I just know how much this means to Mikey. He wants to be a dad, not that I don't! I just... I don't want to complicate things anymore..."

"I see, "she said quietly. Finally, she flashed me a smile. "I'm proud of you, Gerard." I raised a brow. "I mean, you have really grown up a lot... Thank you."

"Well, thanks for making me grow up. I had to do it sometime, "I joked. She nodded and I looked at the baby in my arms. She was staring at me intently with the burning green eyes. Her hair was black like mine. Her fingers were bony like mine. I bit my lip and hugged her softly. "Annabelle, I want to tell you that I love you. I'm glad you're here. Daddy won't ever forget that you're really his..."I whispered in her ear. She cooed softly and leaned her face against mine. I felt a wet spot on my face and smiled at her.

"Aw, she just kissed you!" Reese smiled. I kissed her cheek and handed her back to Reese.

"She's really beautiful, "I whispered before turning and leaving the room.

And The Words We Couldn't SpeakOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara