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I ended up going back to Gerard's room and falling asleep on his bed. When I woke up, I opened my eyes and flew off of the bed.

"Well, it's good to see you too, bitch!" Frank exclaimed sarcastically.

"How the hell did you get here?" I cried, pulling myself back up onto the bed. He smirked.

"I have my ways, "he laughed mysteriously.

"You're really fucking creepy sometimes, "I muttered rubbing my eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry. You said you wanted to see me, and so here I am, "he smiled brightly. At that point, I remembered why I wanted him here. I threw my arms around him and when he realized that I was upset, he held me tightly in his arms.

"This is so fucked up, Frankie, "I cried quietly.

"What is going on exactly?" He asked, rubbing my back softly.

"Yesterday, I called Mikey. Well, some girl answered his phone... Then, Gerard called me and told me that he saw some girl come out of the same stall Mikey was in, and... It's not fucking fair... I thought he actually loved me, "I cried uncontrollably. I felt Frank tense. He inhaled sharply.

"Is this the same bitch that I was going to investigate about yesterday?" He said softly.

"I think so, but I don't know... Oh my god, what if it's not just one girl?" I cried harder at the thought.

"That stupid bastard, "he breathed angrily. He held onto me and I just cried. After I gained a little bit of control, I took a deep breath.

"Don't talk to anyone about this. I don't know for sure... Gerard is investigating for me... I just hope he's reading too much into this..."I said hopelessly.

"Well, that bitch better hope that there's nothing going on. I'll fucking kill the both of them, "he hissed angrily.

"I just don't know why he'd do that.... I know you don't care to hear this, but I'd say we have a pretty well-rounded relationship... The romance part has been a little off since I told him I was pregnant... Oh my god, he doesn't want a kid. I knew it. Oh my god, this is so fucked up. What do I do, Frank?" I pleaded quickly. I felt myself begin to panic. He placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled softly.

"Hey, calm down, "he soothed. I took a few deep breaths. "Are we feeling a little better?" I nodded slowly. Frank's phone beeped and he opened it. I'm assuming it was a text. His jaw tightened.

"What happened?" I asked anxiously.

"Well, something came up and the guys are coming home for a few days..."He said quietly. My eyes widened.

"I can't be around him by myself right now, Frankie. I really can't, "I pleaded. He put an arm around my shoulder.

"We'll get through this. It'll be okay, "he said quietly. "It'll be okay."

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