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A few seconds passed and then, another shot sounded, followed by a shrill scream. I left Annabelle with Patrick and I took off to find out what the fuck was going on. People gathered around something and I pushed my way through the crowd.

"He just saved that little girl!" A girl exclaimed.

"She would've been killed. I sure hope he's okay, "another person said softly.

"I don't think he's breathing..."Someone else muttered. I came to the center of the crowd and gasped silently. Lying in a pool of blood, Gerard lay crumpled on the ground. I kneeled next to him, not caring that I was now sitting in blood. I pressed my ear to his chest and struggled to hear a heartbeat. I could barely make it out. He suddenly coughed, causing me to jump.

"Gerard, "I said quietly. I put an arm around him and pulled him so that he was lying in my lap. "Gerard, what happened?"

"That little girl was about to have everything taken from her, "he choked. "She's so little. I couldn't let that happen..."I felt the tear well up in my eyes. A few minutes later, the paramedics rushed over. They put him on a stretcher and I felt the pain stabbing my heart. I stood up and looked at the crowd of people. I felt the tears spill over. I ran through and almost collided with William.

"What happened? Who got shot?" He asked worriedly. I couldn't get his name out. I took a shaky breath.

"Gerard, "I whispered.

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