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I spun around and Gerard was staring at me, brow raised and hands on hips. I shook my head and went back up the stairs. He followed me into Mikey's room and I began to write about I just heard.

"God damn it, she's already at it? It hasn't even been two fucking hours yet..."He muttered. I raised a brow and he rolled his eyes. "I'll talk with her later... She's probably lecturing him on how all of the girls preferred me instead of him..."I felt a sudden anger rise inside of me. I went downstairs and stood at the doorway. They both turned to look at me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mikey asked caringly. I looked at their mom and just put a hand up. I thought really hard for minute, before I even tried to speak.

"I might not be normal, "I said as the sound pounded my ears. "But I can promise you this. You do not know me. You do not know who I am or where I've been. You don't know anything about me. This is something you might want to know, though. I love your son, and I'm not talking about Gerard. I think that you need to give Mikey some credit because he is the sweetest, most loving man I've ever known and I hope you know how lucky you are that he's your son. I may not have experience with guys... But I don't need any because he is amazing and I love him. Do you understand me?" They both stared at me in amazement. I rubbed my throat. The words both echoed yet hurt to speak. My throat felt as though it was on fire.

"Well, the damsel in distress is ready to fight for her prince, "Gerard said, leaning against the door frame. I looked at him and he smiled at me. I looked back at Mikey who seemed to have recovered from his sudden shock. He walked over and put his arms around me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Thank you, "he whispered in my ear. I kissed his cheek and we both looked back to his mom. She shook her head and smiled.

"That's got to be a good sign. She spoke to defend you. I do believe I may be wrong, "she admitted. I nodded, resting my head against his chest.

At the end of the day, I had decided that Nancy really did mean well. She ended up deciding I wasn't bad for her son, and so she decided she liked me, according to Gerard. I was wearing one of Mikey's shirts and a pair of boxer shorts. My pajamas needed to be washed, so they were in the washer. I was lying on Mikey's bed, trying to think of ways to stop the pain in my throat. I felt like I'd swallowed a gallon of seawater. My throat was dry and now very sore. Mikey shut the bedroom door behind him and climbed into the bed with me.

"I just wanted to thank you, for standing up to my mom for me... I love her, but she is so complicated sometimes, "he said, grabbing my hand. I smiled.

"Well, I'm paying for it now, "I croaked. He looked at me worriedly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, searching my eyes.

"Nothing really, I'm just not used to talking, "I explained.

"Oh, well, then, let's not talk, "he said, playing with my fingers. I turned to face him and I looked in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I kissed him back, running my fingers through his hair. He placed a warm hand on my back and I shivered at the warmth. He ran his hand up my back and his hand on my skin gave me indescribable chills. I straddled his waist, never breaking the kiss. He pulled away and smiled, just before turning out the light.

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