We went back to the hotel after ordering another cup of coffee to go. We got up to the room and he opened the door. Mikey was in a panic.

"What's going on?" Gerard asked, shutting the door. Mikey looked up and sighed in relief.

"I woke up and she wasn't fucking anywhere! Where the fuck did you take her?" He cried. I walked over and hugged him, letting him know I was okay. I pointed to the coffee cup and he sighed.

"Dude, she woke up around 5:45 and we had nothing to do. I painted her nails and then, we got bored... So, I took her to get some coffee. Calm down, she's fine, "Gerard said, walking back to his room. Mikey looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, but I just... I don't know... I worry about you. I don't want anything to happen to you..."I took out my writing stuff and scribbled something down.

Shouldn't you trust me to be safe with your own brother? He looked at me and sighed.

"In theory, I should trust him... I have my reasons though..."He said, looking at the ground. I raised a brow, but he didn't respond. I sighed and went back to the room Mikey and I shared. I sat on my bed and began thinking. What could've happened to make Mikey not trust his own brother? After a little while, someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, "Frankie said, poking his head in the door. "Can I come in?" I nodded, and he walked over and sat at the foot of the bed. "Are you okay? What are you doing in here all alone?" I just shrugged. He looked at me for a minute and then smiled. "So, are you hungry?" I nodded. "Okay, well, I'm gonna call Trick and the boys, and we'll meet up with them at Denny's or something, sound good?" I nodded, smiling at the thought of all of them at Denny's. Those restaurants were always so small. He smiled and left me, sitting alone in the room. I began thinking about the events of the last couple days. There was another knock on the door and I rolled my eyes, expecting it to be Frankie again.

"Reese, it's just me, "Gerard said, coming into the room. I pulled my legs up to my chest and he sat next to me on the bed. "You've been in here for almost an hour." I just shrugged. "Is there something on your mind?" I thought about asking him why Mikey didn't trust him, but I just shook my head. He sighed. "I'm sorry about Mikey freaking out. He doesn't exactly trust me." I looked at him, wondering if he would explain. He just shook it off. "So, are you ready to get some breakfast?" I nodded, and started to follow him to the door. He stopped, which caused me to bump into him. "Can I ask you a question..."I nodded slowly, alarmed by his sudden seriousness. "Do you trust me? I mean, do you feel safe with me?" I looked at him for a minute, pondering his question. After a moment, I nodded. He seemed to force a half-smile. "Alright, well, let's not keep the guys waiting." He opened the door for me and followed me out.

"What were you two doing in there, making babies?!" Frankie exclaimed. I raised a brow, and Mikey glared at Gerard.

"Dude, nothing happened. Fuck, "Gerard mumbled under his breath. Mikey walked over and put a protective arm around me. This only fueled my curiosity as to why Mikey didn't trust him. I walked with Mikey out to the van, and he put me in the passenger seat next to Phil. I wondered why the hell I was being treated like that, but because of the fact I couldn't talk, I didn't really have much of a say in the matter.

"So, we're going to Denny's, right?" Phil asked, buckling up. After someone finally confirmed his question, he pulled out of the parking space and began driving. It was sort of a tense and awkward drive, even with Frankie trying to lighten the mood. When we got there, everyone piled out and I chose to walk with Ray until I saw Patrick. I ran up and hugged him, thankful for someone who wouldn't create such an awkward moment. He put an arm around me and we walked in. I sat in a booth in between Trick and Mikey. Across from us were Brendon, Ryan, and Spence. Pete, Jon, Andy, Gee, Frankie, and Ray sat in the booth behind us. Bob sat at the end of their booth, and Joe at the end of ours.

"What can I get for you guys?" A waitress asked, as she came to our table. I signaled for Mikey to just order me whatever he was getting. After she took everyone's order, she left.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am ready to go back home next week!" Joe exclaimed. The guys all agreed and I looked over at Mikey, who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Yo, Mike, "Spence said, trying to catch his attention. Mikey looked up at him and smiled half-heartedly. "Dude, what's going on with you?" Mikey just shrugged and I looked at him. He forced a smile and I frowned. I grabbed a napkin.

What's wrong?

"We'll talk about it later, "he said, smiling at me. I sighed and he nudged me lightly. "It's okay." I nodded, although I didn't really believe him. I put my hands in my lap and looked down at the table. A minute or so later, I felt a warm hand over mine. I looked over at Mikey, who had a half-smile on his lips. I intertwined our fingers. I felt my heart beat faster. I felt my stomach flip. He smiled at me, and for a moment, it seemed like he was feeling the same things.

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