Chapter 16

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~Shizuka's POV~

I pressed an ham and cheese pinwheel against Sai's lips, and he took it. He looked down at me with a confused look as he chewed it, and I just smiled.

He patted me on the head, then looked behind me.

"They calling?" Sai asked, and I followed his gaze to see Yu.

"No. Mama said we have to go to bed soon." Yu said, and looked at my leg. "Does it still hurt?"

"I ca-n wa-lk on m-y ow-n no-w, b-ut ye-s it st-ill hu-rts." I said, and went to a table full of sweets. Two ladies smiled at me. My shoulders stiffened. Okay, I can do this! I have the courage, I know I do.

"Would you like something sweet, princess?" One asked.

I nodded, and stood on my toes so I could see everything on the table. I should seriously ask mama to make these tables shorter. Sai and Yu can get things from them no problem, but I'm half a foot shorter than them!

The other elderly lady gave me a plate of vanilla cake, with a strawberry on top. "Here you go, little one."

I grinned. "Tha-nk yo-u." Okay, good job, me! I didn't run away.

They smiled at me again, and I went back to Sai and Yu. I stabbed the strawberry with a fork, and put it in my mouth. I bit down on it, but my teeth hit something hard. Confused, I spit the strawberry out to the slid of the plate.

"I thought you liked strawberries?" Yu said, just as confused as I was.

I poked at the strawberry, until I saw something black in the middle of it. I pulled it out of the strawberry, and stared at it. I went to the table next to us and wiped the strawberry remains off it with the table cloth, and stared at it again.

I went back to Sai and Yu. "Wh-at is th-is?" I asked.

Sai took it from me. He shook it next to his ear, then sniffed it. "Not sure. If it came from that strawberry it must be something for an assassination though. Where'd you get that cake from?"

I pointed to the dessert table, and Sai went over to it. Yu and I followed him. I looked around. I wonder where those ladies went?

Sai pick a strawberry up off the cake, and tore it in half. There was another one of these metal things there. Sai took another strawberry from the other side of the cake, and did the same. There wasn't any metal in it.

"Maybe it's some kind of surprise inside thing?" Yu said, and Sai gave him a look that said 'shut up.'

Yu looked down sheepishly, but looked up when suddenly I was hugged from behind.

My cheek was kissed, and Sai and Yu glared. "What are you doing to our sister? Back off." Sai said, and approached me.

"I think she liked it." A male voice sounded in my ear, and I turned to look at the source. A handsome boy was standing there, with narrowed and playful looking eyes.

"Why are y-ou touching m-e?" I asked, and removed his hands from my waist. "Refrain from doing so."

"Shizuka! Your voice! It isn't as cracked as usual!" Yu said, and I looked at him.

"I supp-ose not." I said, and gently touched my neck. "Guess some-thing happen-ed?"

The boy behind me hugged me again. "Hey, want to dance? You're the only girl here that's worth my time." One of his hands slid down, and the other slid up. He whispered in my ear. "Come on. Afterward we can have a little fun."

I looked back at him again, and bent down. I pulled up my dress, and took Lilac out of my skirt. I opened up her back, and pulled out my brush.

"What are you going to do with that?" The boy asked.

"I really like th-is brush. So I'm going to d-o th-is." I tightened my grip on the handle, and whacked the boy in the head with the back of it. He fell over.

Yu covered his mouth, trying to suppress laughter, and Sai snickered. "I don't think she wants to dance." They said in unison.

"The only men here worthy of my time, are my brothers." I said, and examined my brush. "Oh. There's blood."

Sai and Yu bursted out laughing, while I wiped it off. I turned and crouched next to the boy. "Sorry. I didn't me-an to hit you th-at hard."

"Saisho? Yume? Shizuka!" I heard daddy's voice, and I looked around the waves of nobles for him. I saw him speed walking to us after a few seconds of searching.

He crouched behind the boy. "What's wrong with him?" He pulled up some of his hair, and there was a small scrape, but a big cut on the scrape. "Alright, explain yourselves."

"He deserved it." Yu said. "He was sexually assaulting Shi, so she hit him with her brush."

"How the hell would a brush do this?" Daddy looked back at the boy's head. "Did you already have an injury here?"

"I didn't have a cut on my head, but I had a scrape." He said, and glared at me.

"Chung? What are you doing?" I heard mama's voice, and looked up. Daddy looked up too.

Daddy sighed. "Ara, can you put them to bed instead? I need to find his mother." He looked at me. "If he has brain damage of some sort, you're not allowed to sleep with your brothers, leave your room, or carry Lilac around."

~Ten minutes later~

I walked into the room, while Sai and Yu were still getting dressed. I looked away nervously, and crawled onto the bed. I laid down, and a few minutes later Sai and Yu joined me.

Another minute passed, and we all stared up at the ceiling.

"Saisho? Yume?" I said, and took their hands in mine.

They both looked at me, but I continued to stare up at the ceiling.

"I love you both, very much." I said, then closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.


Yes, short and sucky chapter, I know. Sorry guys, but this is the end of the book! There isn't anything left for me to do, and they're all living as a happy family now.

Now don't get all hissy! I MIGHT continue this book in a few years or so, depending on if I can find another plot to go off of or something. Also, I know this was a sucky ending but this is a sucky book anyway, so it deserves a sucky ending. There was literally no plot, and absolutely nothing actually came from this XD. Thank you for reading this far, and I wish you a happy Valentine's day! Sorry once again, bye now!

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