Chapter 8

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"Alright, Ara Haan, please repeat after me." A uh the preacher under the archway with a huge book said.

He spoke words, and I repeated. "I, Ara Haan, take Chung Seiker, as my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

After Chung repeated the same thing, the preacher spoke. "You have declared your consent to the people of Hamel, may the lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen. You may kiss the bride."

Chung's eyes closed, his eyes obviously saying, dear lord please make these people forget. I'm not allowing the whole city to remember this!

He stared at me. It looked like he was thinking. Thankfully it had only been a few seconds, but the thing he did was embarrassing!

He swept me off my feet and held me bridal style and kissed me like that. Oh god Chung! You big jerk!

The crowd clapped and whistled. I felt my face heating up as he broke the kiss.

He set me down up right and the after party started.


"Ara." Chung said in a long and whining voice.

I felt a hug from behind me. "Give me a kiss."

I felt his head rest on my shoulder and jumped at how...weird he looked.

He was staring at me with sweet looking eyes and a blush. "Chung are you drunk? I thought I told you specifically that I didn't want you too. Your father said not to too."

"Did you expect me to listen? I'm not drunk, but I am a little dizzy."

I turned around to face him.

His lips collided with mine, and I felt a smirk form on his face. I felt him spit something solid into my mouth. "Mouth feeding my beautiful wife is wonderful. Hope you like chicken."

A blush appeared across my face and my heart beat quickened. I swallowed the food and he smiled. "Your cute when your blushing. Do you need something to drink?"

I slowly nodded. "Alright then, be back in a second." He said and walked and faded in the ocean of people.

A minute later he approached me. He held a clear substance in a glass. Geez I wouldn't be surprised if he put clear balloons in that! So many bubbles!

He handed it to me.

It wasn't hard to drink the whole thing, but I had already swallowed when I realized. "What in the world was that? That tastes awful!" I squealed.

"Champagne." Chung gave an innocent smile. "The bubbles make you get drunk faster." His smile turned to a mischievous smirk.

"You brat." I said and glared at him.

He just gave me an amused look, "you know you want to know what us both being drunk will lead to." He said and his arm wrapped around me. "It'll kick in later, so enjoy yourself some more. I'll occasionally look among the crowd for you to make sure you're not or are drunk. If you are, I'll lead you away. Not, I'll leave you alone."

"No, you're not leaving my side since you did that." I said strictly and took his hand.

He sighed then ripped his hand away. He got on one knee and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

I slowly placed my hand in his.

His hand wrapped around mine and he led me away, and we danced a long time.

Wanted for a two faced prince (Chung x Ara : Elsword)Where stories live. Discover now