Chapter 15

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~Ara's POV~

I cuddled against Chung's bare chest, and slowly opened my eyes. Ok, I know what you're thinking, we didn't do it. We just got a little naughty...or...Chung did and brought me into it. I'm happy he's nineteen now, because he's taller than me...and I can feel younger than him. And he's even more romantic when we're alone because of it. How? Well, you'll see someday soon.

"Mama!" Yume called and the connecting door swung open.

I quickly pulled up the covers, and lucky, Chung must've put my night gown on after I fell asleep. I looked at him. He was bare chested, but he had on pants. The dummy forgot to change, huh?

Yume jumped onto Chung's stomach, and he woke up slowly, even though he didn't seem effected by it.

Shizuka came in after him holding Lilac, and holding hands with Saisho, who looked like a mess with his bed hair.

Actually, none of them had brushed their hair. I motioned for Shizuka to come here, and she did. As always, she had a brush stuffed inside Lilac's back pocket. She sat in my lap, and I brushed out her hair, and started to make braids in it.

"Mama can we go to the garden again today?" Yume asked and slid off Chung's chest and onto his legs as he sat up.

"No, that's up to your father, but I think I'm going to take Shizuka out for awhile today."

"Why is she the only one that gets to leave the castle grounds?" Saisho asked in annoyance.

"Because I take her. You two never ask to come along. Hey Shizuka, want to go to the amusement park? I heard amongst the guards that they have the ferris wheel going again. It's really pretty looking down on Hamel while it's nighttime because everyone has their lights on and it reflects on the ice." I paused. This kind of brings back memories of that festival from six years ago...

I looked down at Chung, and he had an eye open, and he was staring at me.

"Yes, I'm thinking of it." I said, reading his mind.

He smiled. "Beautiful day." He whispered and closed his eye.

"Thi-nkin-g of...wha-t?" Shizuka asked and looked up at me.

"Oh it was beautiful. One of your father's friends, and now my friend, asked if we wanted to come to the carnival with her later because they were having a festival and all and, well, your father was a jerk ba--." Chung gently kicked me. I grabbed his foot playfully and threw the blanket off him. I pushed his leg up straight.

He gave off a quiet scream, and looked like he was in pain. Saisho and Yume shuffled uncomfortably as if they knew why.

"Anyway he was a jerk back then, and he kept on telling me that the ferris wheel was postponed. Then right before the festival was going to start, he said we could get on it, and we did, and right at the top, fireworks went off and you could see fireflies everywhere. It was beautiful. I didn't pay much attention to it, but the colors from the fireworks reflected off the ice and white of Hamel."

"Pret-ty...." She said happily and bounced in my lap. "G-o?"

"Yes, Shizuka. We can go. But not today, well, not yet anyway. Today is your birthday, remember? Mommy has work to do to get that ready."

"Wa-it!" She croaked, somewhat loud. Her voice got really cracked and raspy when she tried to talk loud.

I nodded, and patted her cheek. "Shizuka, would you mind brushing your brothers' hair? You're all turning seven today, and their rat nests aren't invited. The whole kingdom isn't going to see my baby boys like that."

Wanted for a two faced prince (Chung x Ara : Elsword)Where stories live. Discover now