Chapter 11

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Ara's POV.

Sorry my internet went down on me for awhile and I got writers block...

"I'm leaving again." I said and stared over at Chung.

He watched me, eyes wide. "Ara...I made that so you would stay. Come on..." He whined and approached me.

"It's not going to be forgiven this time. Move out of the doorway." I roughly pushed Chung away from the bathroom.

He threw up his hands. "Okay, woman! I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you leave."

I couldn't help it. I hugged him, and kissed his forehead. "You're being to gentle. Why did you change so much in such a short time?"

"It felt like three millennia not weeks." He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. "Just because I'm all 'hands on' with you right now, it's going to be whip on later if you try leaving me."

"Then get your whip ready because I'm already leaving." I brushed his hands off me, but he just grabbed me again.

"You're not leaving."

"I am. What are you gonna do to stop me?"

"Mmm." He paused and pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. "I'll rape you."

Ok I wouldn't have minded him saying that if the king didn't come in right when he said it.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at us both.

"Why are you in here?" Chung said with a growl. "I've had enough of you over these weeks."

He cleared his throat. "Sorry for the interruption, have a visitor." He stepped aside, and a green haired elf walked in.

She looked up at him, and he left.

"Hi." She said and approached us.

Chung got off me. The second he did, this so called Rena jumped onto him and sat in his lap. "You haven't been answering my calls! Didn't you divorce that tramp? Chung!"

"Tramp?" I looked at Chung, who looked down at me with a weak smile.

"Ara...This is my ex girlfriend." Chung said. "She came while you were away and her parents sent a proposal request."

"Oh..." I thought for a second. "Accept it. You accepted it right? That way I can leave! There's no reason for me to be here if you're married to her!"

"True! Marry me Chung!" Rena said with a smile. "You've forgiven me right? I know you still love me!"

"No I haven't forgiven you. Get off you're heavy."

~Gonna get a bit dirty now...~

"I'm not! You know you still love me...You just don't want to admit it infront of that."

"Rena. Get off."

"You know your body is tingling just by my touches. Admit it." I bit my lip as her nails ripped up Chung's pants. I closed my eyes as um...his thing was in sight.

I heard a moan from Chung, and I couldn't help it. I punched her.

I sat in Chung's lap, and did my best to ignore the feeling of having a uh...dick poke at your legs.

"You...hit me..." She whispered in disbelief and stood up. "Daddy!" She screamed and ran out of the room and castle.

I sighed, and leaned back against Chung's chest.

I felt him pull off my shirt and pinch my nipple. "Don't ever say that you have no reason to be here in Hamel, got it?"

I smacked his hand away and kissed his cheek. "I know." I cuddled against his chest. "From the looks of your room, you don't have any clean clothes, do you?"

"No, I don't." He said and layed his head on my shoulder. "But we're married. It shouldn't matter if you see me naked now."

"Yeah but...I don't wanna see it."

"You'll be seeing what it makes if you keep wiggling. That feels good..." He layed down and moaned again. "I'm serious. I already feel it about to come."

I blushed and slowly got off his waist.

His dick slowly stood up slightly.

I stared at it until Chung spoke. "You're excited, aren't you?"

I ignored him and threw the blanket over him. I hugged him, and layed my head on his arm. "Why didn't you tell me you had an ex?"

"Because if you knew it would make you cry."

"Why would I cry over you? Hmph."

"You don't understand. I can't tell you why I didn't because you'd cry. I'm not saying you'd cry over me."

"Tell me. I won't cry."

"Remember the second day you lived here? A guard came in with that newspaper."


"Rena was jealous that I'd gotten married and or engaged to you, so she sent her boyfriend, Raven, to destroy your family. She cheated on me. I used to be friends with Raven, but not anymore, since I caught them both on my bed in my room. I'm sure you can guess what happened between them." He paused and smiled. "She claimed she didn't do that many times and that we should get married, but Raven wasn't a liar. He really wanted her so I gave her to him. I bet he regrets taking her since she's a slut. He only recently found out though, he's a moron in a way, but when it comes to weapons, he's the guy you go to."

I stared at him. "Do you still love her?"

"No. I never really loved her. She just asked me to be her boyfriend and I accepted. I think she just wanted to possess me since I was a virgin."


"I'm speaking of the past. I'm still a virgin. Don't worry."

"Uh huh...I'm gonna clean. You turned the castle back into a man cave. Just...without other men and just one room."

He chuckled. "Knock yourself out."

"Ok. Maybe I should paint the walls pink too and put boy band posters up and gawk at them all day! Splendid idea I came up with!"

"No. Not happening. Get to work if you're gonna do it. I wanna eat you right up afterward."

I blushed, and got up quickly.

He sat up and took off his shirt and deliberately threw it on the floor.

I glared at him, and he grinned.

"Hurry up...I'm getting...hungry."

I squeaked and ran into the bathroom.

I'll make a part two or something I'm just gonna update since its been soooo long.

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