Chapter 4

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"Prince Chung! Princess Ara!" Someone busted into the room, waking us both up.

Me, I jumped back onto Chung.

Him, he caught me like 'holy sh*t!' Written all over his face.

A guard ran up to the bed and shoved a newspaper into my hands.

"Read it. It's about Sander."


I held up the magazine and started reading it out loud.

"It all started with a bang." I read the title. "This tragic story for today's daily Sander report is about war. Citizens of Sander have gone mad, they were recently attacked by Velder kingdom. All of the royal family and the others in the castle were murder in ten seconds. Velder's prince, Raven, had snuck in as a servant, and murdered every last person in there with a time set bombs. One for each hall. There was one survivor, but not for long. It was the cook. Luckily for her, she was out getting material for the queen. The King, Queen, and Prince have all been murdered. Sander is heading for Hamel, to steal back their princess. They intend no fair trading, they intend war."

I stared at the magazine. I turned the page, and there was a bloody picture of Mother, with Aren. Then to the right of that one, was father. And under that was a picture of our cook.

I looked away and stared up at Chung.

He looked down upon me, but his face didn't show any sympathy for the dead royal family.

He just stared at me.

"Leave." Chung said and ripped the magazine. He looked at the guard, his blue eyes as cold as ice.

The guard bowed and left, softly closing the door behind him.

Chung pushed me off of the bed and said, "go do mourning somewhere else."

He layed back down and closed his eyes.

I got back on the bed and pushed him off. "Couldn't you care about someone else other then yourself? I'm not marrying a man that hates me!"

He stared up at me with wide eyes, then they narrowed. "Get out."

"I'm not leaving!" Tears fell from my eyes quickly.

"The only reason I'd care about you is if you were severely hurt. Other then that I have no interest in paying any attention to you. You're an eyesore."

I tackled him and started screaming at him as I slapped him many times. "You big jerk! Couldn't you care about someone other then yourself? I'm not surprised that I was your last option of a wife! What girl would take a mean spoiled brat like you? Your only qualities are your so handsome and young! Other then that, why would anyone take you? You're lucky you even have someone you think is worse then a cow! You deserve a cow!"

"Princess!" A servant came in and pulled me off of Chung. "I'm sure he's had enough. Excuse him please, he's meaner then usual whenever he's woken up."

"I wanna go home." I whined.

"This is your home, princess. Your castle was burned down with that attack."

I looked down at Chung to see him stunned, with red cheeks from my hitting him. He stared up at the wall, not moving at all, except the slow rise and fall of his chest.

"Princess, would you mind cleaning him up? I know you shouldn't see him undress or anything, but the king wants you two to have more with each other before you're married."

I looked down at Chung. "He said he'd throw me in the dungeon if I ever attempted to see him naked."

"He doesn't have the authority to do that. Only the king does. He's just trying to scare you, and he knows it."

Wanted for a two faced prince (Chung x Ara : Elsword)Where stories live. Discover now