Chapter 13

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I woke up slowly, to the sound of the shower on.

I yawned and sat up. It was still quite dark outside, so I looked at the clock. "Five in the morning...?" I groaned and stretched.

I got off the bed, then opened the bathroom door. "Why are you awake so early?" I whined looking at Chung, whose bottom half was luckily blurred by steam.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" He asked and looked my way.

"Mmm." I complained and shut the door, not bothering to answer him. I layed down on the bed and curled into a ball. Or an oval. Not really easy to be a circle when your stomach has babies in it.
I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of water in the bathroom.

I heard Chung exit the bathroom minutes later, and every light in the room went off except the lamp beside me.

"Isn't that uncomfortable?" Chung asked and picked me up off the bed. I opened my eyes and cuddled against his bare chest. He only had a towel on around his waist, but that didn't stop me from cuddling with him. He may be wet, but he was warm, and I was cold.

He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes again. We cuddled together, until the sun was up in the sky.

"Hey, Ara?" Chung said and his eyes closed. I layed my head on his shoulder and smiled at him.


"Would you cry if you had a miscarriage?" Chung asked and looked down at me.

I pinched his arm, and he smiled at me. "I'm guessing that means yes." He said and kissed me. "I hope the kids aren't little trouble makers like you."

"If anything you are the trouble maker." I said and pinched him again.

"Will you quit that?" He said with a curled lip.

I smiled. He looked cute when he was pouting about something. "Immature." I said.

"I know you are." He said and I immediately got annoyed. "But what am I?"

"A dog."

"I know you are but what am I?" He repeated.

"A platypus."

"I know you are but what am I?"

"A kitten."

"I know you are but what am I?"

"A Chung."

"I know I am but what are you?"

"An annoyed wife."



"I know you are but what am I?"

"Oh my god." I said and layed down.

He layed down too, and grinned at me. He hugged me, and snatched a kiss.

He pressed his face into my breasts, and looked at me. "When do you think they'll be ready?"

"Maybe in a week or so." Then I felt an enormous kick. I winced. "Or now."


"Yes. Now. Get up."

He got off the bed picked me up.

I held tightly onto his shirt as he carried me down to the castle's doctor. Have you ever been about to have a baby? (Hopefully not) It hurts.

He placed me on a bed and explained to the doctor, and they both seemed nervous. I couldn't hear them.

I squeaked as another kick came, and they both jumped, very alarmed.

The doctor nodded, and went behind a curtain. I heard muffled talking, then another doctor came out with the first one.

"King Helputt is on his way." He said.

"That is not comforting for either of us!" Chung said in annoyance.

"Yes well, don't you think it's nice for King Helputt to see his grandchildren?"

"Shut up and do you job!" I yelled at them. The pain was getting worse, so why wouldn't I be mad?

"Yes, Young Miss." He said and put gloves and a mask on. I don't know why, but he did.

Chung sat on the floor beside me and stared at me. He offered his hand, and I took it nervously.

~One baby later because I'm too young to know this stuff~

The doctor handed the child to the King, whose eyes were wide. Apparently neither him or Chung have seen this process. Well, of course Chung hasn't, but the King? Anyway, I have one more child to go...ugh.

The baby cried loudly, I think it'd already broken Chung's hand, and we had one more kid to go. Lovely.

~A second broken hand and baby later~

That's a relief, well, not really. It's still painful.

"Chung, your father can't hold two children, so would you mind?"

"Why would he have to? Is Ara not done?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked nervously and held onto the bed.

"Well, you see, you have a third child in there, so us doctors can't hold them."

"A third?" Chung said and looked at me with wide eyes. "Yeah I'll hold him."

~One day ruined later~

Great! My life just went from one little boy, to two little boys, and two little boys and one girl! And they're triplets!

The doctor that helped me with the process and two guards carried the babies to our room. The King had sent two guards to go get supplies for the babies, and one other guard to get a name book for me. How convenient.

Chung didn't want me to stay in the doctors office, so he carried me back. I cuddled against him as he opened the door and allowed the guards and doctor inside.

Chung set me on the bed, and I took one of the babies from the guards, and Chung took another. The doctor held the other one while he asked me questions. He seemed quite caring about my health, and he explained that it was to make sure the babies were healthy. Don't ask me why, because I don't know.

I leaned on Chung as the guards brought in three baby beds, a green, blue, and pink one, with a bunch of bags in them each.

They look the bags out and set them on the floor, then brought in a big changing counter thing or whatever they are, then they shut the door and left.

The doctor straightened up the green bed, and layed the baby he was holding in it, then bidded us farewell.

I did the same for the girl I was holding with the pink bed, then did it for Chung's.

I'm stopping there. I need to think up names for the babies. I know the girl's name, (Surprise) but I'm always horrible picking boy names! Ugh!!!!!!! Anyway, I'm stopping there for now, but there will be a time skip next chapter unless you want to just see a bunch of crying and a very stressed Chung and Ara.

Bye~ The next chapter should be up quickly~.

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