Chapter 6

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"Is this dress to your liking? The prince likes strapless dresses." A servant asked me as I sat with my legs crossed in a towel on Chung's bed. He had left to use his father's room and bathroom for getting ready.

"He does? What's his favorite color do you know?"

"It is blue."

"Can you get it in blue then?"

"Of course. I have a sapphire colored one just like this one. It has a bow for your stomach, to bring out the curves. I'm sure he'd love it." He bowed and went to retrieve the dress.

Once he came back, I put on the dress, which had a sapphire look to it, with a darker color for the bow, which tied at the side. The dress ended at the middle of my upper leg.

As he said, it made my hourglass like figure noticeable.

He smiled at me. "Now for your hair. If you must ask, Chung likes braids. He would braid his mother's hair all the time. He'll get lost in your hair as he did with hers. He likes to play with the tails of them. It's honestly entertaining."

"Then...Do you know how to do a side Dutch braid?"

"Of course."

"Then that one."

He took my hair, and I closed my eyes as his fingers worked. It felt good to be honest.

When he was finished, he tied the end.

I looked in the mirror with a smile. "I like it. You did very good. Thank you." I stood and hugged him.

He smiled at me. "Be careful, I'm sure Chung has told you, but Hamel is dangerous for young pretty girls like you around this hour. Stay very close to him."

I nodded with a smile.

A knock sounded on the door, and the servant hid. He gave me a thumbs up. "Good luck."

He went into a door, that I believe leads to another room, and I heard Chung's voice. "Are you ready yet?"

"One minute!" I said and locked the door.

I picked up a perfume, and put barely a drop on.

It smelt like a flower, and it wasn't strong thankfully.

I went to the mirror again to check myself.

I got my spear and hid it the best I could in the skirt of the dress. Just in case...

I went to the door and fixed the dress before I unlocked the door and opened it.

I stared at him. I swear my insides were on vacation partying. I felt like I would fall over. He was over powered in how handsome he was! His hair was tied back into a thin pony tail, but the parts with dark brown still hung at the side of his head. (Imagine Tactical Trooper.) He was wearing a white tux. I stopped staring at him because I knew I was blushing to hard to study him anymore.

I looked into his eyes. He looked pale.

"Are you ok?" I asked and felt his cheek.

He shook his head and his color returned. "Yes. You look beautiful."

I smiled at him. "You look handsome."

He offered his hand. "Come, Lady Ara."

I took his hand and his face heated up.

I saw the servant that helped me walking down the hall, the opposite direction of us, and I waved and mouthed a silent thank you.

He gave me another thumbs up, which he did his best to hide from Chung.

Wanted for a two faced prince (Chung x Ara : Elsword)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu