Chapter 1

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"Ara!" A guard yelled as I ran away from the castle.

I laughed as he tried to keep up with my speed. "Don't worry I won't be gone long! Don't tell the queen!"

Ara Haan, princess of Sander. I hated being a princess because I was always under high security. Stupid dresses only. I've learned how to become an escape artist recently, but thankfully, my mother and father haven't learned of it. They've been trying to find princes that would actually take a tomboy like girl like me. All of the other kings and princes around the world won't accept thankfully. There is only one more kingdom that hasn't given an answer. Hamel's kingdom.

But enough about Hamel and kingdoms! I'm free!

I stopped running from the castle as I realized that there were some people from Hamel here! No! Not welcome here! Nuh uh!

I walked up to the scene, and stared at all the guards, then at the carriage.

They halted when they saw me, and someone, a lady-in-waiting I suppose, and man that seemed like a king stepped out.

He came toward me, and I shivered.

I didn't notice, but I started crying.

He stopped a few feet away when he noticed too, and said in a nice manner, "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know you're not that's why I'm crying. Who are you." I asked directly even though I knew who he was.

"Hamel's king. What are you in the royal castle?"

"Princess of Sander. The worst position of them all. Poor is better then rich. Dresses equal boo. High heels are hard to escape in. I hate royalty."

"Why don't you tell your parents that?"

"They showered me in more cutesy things."

"You've got it rough."

"Don't jinx me flashy man."

"What is that?" I heard a male voice from behind the king. "I can't tell if it's human or not. Much less gender."

"Chung! Behave yourself!" The king moved to reveal a boy.

"Do you ever shut up?" He asked. "And how do you call that a bride? She looks like she belongs with a pack of cows."

I wiped then stained tears off my eyes then stared at the boy. "Did you just call me a cow?"

"Anyone with smarts would know that you're lower then a cow."

I glared at him, then it was like my hand was possessed. It slapped him before I realized it was moving.

"Did you slap me?" He asked as he pulled a gun out of his pocket.

"If I did, what are you gonna do about it? Sissy boy."

"Are you looking for a challenge?"

"Maybe I am."

"How could you even wish to challenge me without a weapon?"

"Well first of all, how about I go by some clothes? Dresses are hard to move in."

"You shy? Afraid to go into battle without armor?"

"Oh? You're on. Gimme that." I took a knife from one if the guards near the king and started to slice off the dress, leaving shorts, that were originally pants, but I up one side of them to make then half shorts, and a tank top to cover me.

"Chung. You do realize Sander is a place of sand? You've never fought on sand before. I imagine she's specially trained for it. She's at an advantage. A big one." The king said.

"Sand is not a problem. It's just dirt. It's not like it'll hurt me."

"You're missing the point."

I started to pull off my shoes, and sighed as my feet touched the scorching hot sand and pavement.

I ripped a piece of fabric from my dress and handed it to Chung. "You're gonna need this."

He slapped my hand, and the fabric blew away.

I watched it in the breeze then turned toward him.

"Hey stupid, why are your pants like that?" Chung turned his attention to me and I stared at him.

"Hidden item." I smiled at him, which he looked at me with a look of disgust for, and I kicked toward him, missing by an inch, and a spear flew out of my shorts.

I caught it and slid between Chung's legs then slid back, and had the point of my spear against his back, directed where his heart would be.

"Ara!" I heard a voice call my name.

I looked back to see Aren, my brother, and my parents running over here, with two guards following behind them.

"No!" I screamed and ran away into the pack of Hamel's guards.

"Hey! Get back here!" I heard Chung yell as he followed me.

He fell over in the sand, I know he did, because I heard guards helping him up then him yelling at them to stop me.

I slid between legs, jumped, over and under, until I was at the end of the ocean of guards.

I was just about to jump the last time, when I felt myself run into arms.

The arms locked around me, and I realized Chung had caught me.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me the rest of the way. "Idiot." He said.

He carried me into one of the alleys and we hid from everyone.

He sat down and kept me in his lap.

He stared me down then said, "you look better half naked then you do with that dress on."

"You're complimenting me?"

"Who said that was a compliment?"

"Why are you holding me?"

"Because if I didn't you'd escape."

"Why did you Hamel people come here anyway?"

"My father accepted your parents request for marriage between us."

"Will you be nicer if we get married?"

"Never. But I will say this. I'm not going to be easy on you if we do get married or anything."

"How so?"

"You're a maiden. I'll make you work for love."

"Some prince you are."

He smirked. "This prince is gonna be your first everything. Your lucky I'm mean, or you'd never be getting married."

"I won't allow you my first kiss and I'd much prefer no marriage anyway."

"I'll steal your first kiss."

"You wouldn't."

"Do you not believe me? I'm not giving up a girl, even if I don't like her."

"I'd never believe a tramp like you."

I blinked, and during that extremely short amount of time, it all happened.

He kissed me.

Wanted for a two faced prince (Chung x Ara : Elsword)Where stories live. Discover now