The Primordial War

Start from the beginning

Two shapes appear in the sky, one dark as night, and the other white as snow. Blackjack and Porkpie. Hey Boss, whatcha need? asks Blackjack.

"Porkpie, would you mind carrying my Dad and Apollo, Blackjack, me and Artemis?" I ask. Porkpie looks excited and honored to carry my dad into battle.

Of course, I will my carry Lord Poseidon anywhere he needs me to. says Porkpie.

Carry Boss and the pretty hunter girl, got it. says Blackjack.

"Percy, you still haven't told us what we are doing." says my Dad. Oh yeah.

"Dad, you will be riding Porkpie with Apollo shooting from behind you, Artemis will be seated behind me on Blackjack, doing the same. We will be attacking the enemy immortals, along with them." I say, pointing to the sky behind him. There, 20 or so pegasi fly through the air, each with a demigod rider on their back. A blur on the ground shows Hazel's arrival as well.

Hazel comes to a stop next to me. "We're ready Percy, lead the charge." she says.

I nod and face the shield wall. "FOR OLYMPUS!" I shout as we charge towards the enemy with Flame raised, the pegasi overhead, as well as Blackjack, Porkpie, and Arion charging on the ground. The Hunters and Apollo kids open fire on the enemy archers, and the archer twins themselves, start peppering Lelantos with arrows, who fires back, thankfully, Blackjack and Porkpie both pride themselves on their fancy footwork, and anything them miss is deflected by me or my dad. The pegasi crash into the shield wall first, punching a hole in it that we ride through. Hazel and the flying cavalry get to work on the shield wall and archers, while we take on the immortals. Apollo and Lelantos start fighting, my dad and I take Porphyrion, and Artemis jumps off Blackjack and takes Atlas, as much as I want to worry as the concerned boyfriend I am, I know she can take care of herself.

I pull out Nightmare and jump off Blackjack, who goes and starts kicking dracanae in the back of their heads. Dad drops off Apollo and gets off Porkpie, who follows Blackjack. Me and my father both circle Porphyrion as he spins to keep us both in his sight, holding his spear defensively. My dad experimentally thrusts at Porphyrion, who blocks and counterattacks. Dad blocks while I slash at his back, he dodges and swipes at me with his spear. I jump back. This continues for a few minutes before Porphyrion oversteps attacking me, and I strike. I slice his spear in half and smack him towards my dad with the flat of my blade, who hits him in the gut with the blunt end of his trident. Neither of us notice the arrow until it is too late. "Dad, watch out!" I yell, when I see the arrow about to strike him in the small of his back.

My dad attempts to dodge, but gets hit in the side. He cries out as he falls to the ground. "Barbed and poisoned." he whispers, which I somehow hear. I turn to see Lelantos with his bow pointed towards us and Apollo on the ground, not injured, but stunned.

"Apollo, help him!" I yell, before slicing off Porphyrion's head. It won't kill him, but it will buy me a few minutes. I sheath my swords and pick up my Father's trident. A god's symbol of power, one of the Big three. It is literally vibrating, and I can feel the power of the sea, restless, residing inside it, waiting to be unleashed. Apollo flashes my dad back to our lines and starts to work on him. I turn towards Lelantos, who is grinning. "You dare attack someone who is fighting another, do you have no honor?" I ask.

"This is war little boy, honor has no place here." he replies.

"With honor comes mercy, which you will get none of." I say. I stalk towards him, and he starts to fire arrows at me. I deflect each one off of the trident, relying on my natural skill as a son of Poseidon. He narrows his eyes and starts to fire faster, making it ever so slightly harder to dodge or deflect his arrows. "ENOUGH!" I shout, shooting a high-powered blast of water out of the tip of the trident, knocking Lelantos off of his feet and to the ground. I walk up to him and strike him in the side of the head with the blunt end of the trident, knocking him back to the ground as he tried to get up. I grab an arrow from his quiver and stab him with it, right where he shot my father. He cries out in pain until I thrust the trident into his chest, making him dissolve into golden dust.

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