"I have to talk to her first and tell her what's going on..." James breathed, thinking now it was really important she'd take part of it.

"How long do you need to prepare her?" The detective asked him.

"We're going out of town for a few days, and I also need to talk to her sponsor. Liam's death was very hard for her and she's even doing therapy. Her sponsor told me it wasn't a good idea to make her part of it, so I also need to talk to him. I have to be sure of how I am going to approach the subject with her, I don't want her to fall in deep depression again." James said.

"The next few days are very important Mr. Hetfield." Hawk explained.

James nodded. "I will try to tell her these days, but if I see she's in danger I'll step back."

"Tell us something when you come back, ok? It's very important now, and maybe she knows who this belongs to."

With that their meeting ended. The lawyer walked with James until his car, explaining how important it was to recognize the owner of that bracelet and James nodded to all he said. He wasn't dumb, he knew that was a huge and important clue, but he'd refuse to put Rafaela in danger if that was the case. Then running out of time to his arrangements on their special long weekend, he said goodbye to the lawyer. Still, when he sat in his car, he called Tony.

"Is Rafi still there?" James asked him after greeting him over the phone.

"No, she already left. Is everything alright? You sound a bit nervous." Tony stated.

"Something happened. The police found a bracelet near the pool today. I am at the police station right now, but I don't know who that belongs too, no one in the house does. They want Rafi to come here... I need to tell her what's going on." Tony fell silent and James waited patiently for him to say something.

"That's a huge thing James." Tony commented first.

"I know..." He grated his teeth in rage. "Someone was there... someone hurt my kid and I am so sure of it now." James felt his eyes fill with water. "Someone hurt Liam man..." His voice choke, his emotions coming out and tears started to fall down his face. "Someone hurt my kid... how can someone do that?"

"Calm down... maybe that's not really it. Maybe Rafaela recognizes it." Tony told him. Being treated for an addiction, this news were also a trigger for him.

"How? I mean... of course we had friends coming to our house, but if one of them lost something in there, they'd ask us if we had seen it and no one ever did."

"Ok... look, it's obvious now you have to tell her." Tony told him. "You must let her know what is happening."

"That's why I am calling you, how do I do it? I am afraid."

"Don't be." Tony assured. "She's going to shake for sure, but she's strong. I feel her strong. Since you two bonded again that she is much stronger. You know how to tell her and talk to her, she trusts you. So just talk to her, maybe after you propose."

"Oh man..." James winced a bit as things were getting a bit complicated.

"You have been doing a wonderful job James, don't be afraid. She's recovering so greatly... it's important now isn't it?" Tony instigated him and guided him.

"It is." James admitted.

"Then do it and don't doubt you can't do it right, because you can. Remember how you guys are back together and already living in the same house. If you do it right, she will take the news in a good way." Hearing Tony's words made James remember how she told him she wanted to be alright to find out the truth, how she has been telling him that she trusts him.

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