I miss you

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America POV


I wake up to turn off that annoying alarm clock off my phone. I didn't want to get up. Until my brother, Canada, bust open my door which made me jump up off my bed. "It's time to go to school Ame!" I let out a grown before getting up from the floor. "I'll be down in the 5-minute syrup." He left me alone so I can get some peace. I let out of sigh before I go and get dress. I put on rip jeans and a NATO shirt before I left my room. I quickly run down to stairs to be met with my parents and my siblings at the table eating breakfast. "Morning everyone!" I said as I seat down by my mother and start eating my breakfast. "Okay, children you only have 20 minutes left to be at to school. Luckily the school is not that far from here." Dad said as taking a sip of his tea. I check the time and start heading to the door with my brother's following shortly behind. "Goodbye, dad and mom!!" We shouted at the same time before we left the house. I had my saddle on with my sunglasses on.

Canada locks the door behind everyone as I led everyone to the high school. We have been told that the school has a dorm system. I hope I don't get a room in with someone that hates me. I know I have done some crazy shit but it was all I follow my dad's orders to not get hurt while to protect my brothers to face out abusive father side. I always felt guilty of killing USSR but it's all in the past and I hope that he would be in a better place now. Even though he tried to protect and free me form dad. Which in the end it works but it came with a cast that one must have to go. I look up to the sky just feeling so sorry for his children.

We just arrive at school. It was beautiful with the cherry blossoms trees to flow with the wind in peace. My brother and I split up to our group of friends. I walk over to spot Germany, Poland, and Japan chatting up about something? "Hey, guys!" I said with a smile. "America Senpai did you heard there going to be new people coming!?" Japan said with excitement which made me just chuckle on how she always is. "Yeah I guess that sounds cool." Germany rolls his eyes while Pollan just giggles.

The bells ring to tell it's time for us to head to class. Germany and I head to our first period of class our homeroom. Entering the room I notice that there weren't that many people there so I quickly sit down in the back seat by the window. I go on my phone to the past sometimes until the bell rings again.

"Okay, class please settle down please." The teacher said as I put away my phone. "You must hear that there must be a new student coming to our school. Please give them your most attention to introduce themselves." Right after they said that the person walks in. He was pretty tall. I felt my heart extremely bad as my vision got blurry. As they try to introduce themselves to the class. I try to look at their face to my shock it was USSR!? Tears to form in my eyes with all the pain started to hit me. I felt someone grab my shoulder to see it was Germany. "You okay man?" I point to the person. "U-USSR!?" I spit out with the amount of sadness flowing through me. That guy quickly grabs me and soon I vision got better to see he was angry at me. "How did you know my father..." He lower growl. "I-I won't tell you in front of them." I calm a bit down to see he was the son of the USSR, Russia. He let me go and sat down next to me.

I felt his rage from him that I can feel it. I'm so sorry Russia...I thought in my head. I can't tell him that it was my fault of his father fallen. "Russia and America you will be roommates. Since you had your own house America you can use that as your guy's roommate." I mumble under my breath of a curse word. They're going be no way I can't avoid him. The class dismissed. I quickly grab my stuff before I was stopped by Russia.

The day was going swells but somehow I had a few classes with Russia. Lunch came around. I walk down the hallway to the cafeteria to meet up with my friends. But he was pull and push into an empty classroom. "Wha-" I stop myself to see it was Russia who pulls me inside the classroom. "You going to tell me what do you know of my father!" His voice rowers in anger made me flinch a little but I wasn't afraid of him because I know that I'm one of the powerful countries and should be feared. "Like I said I'm going to tell about USSR here not here because of too many ears dropper in this damn school. Who would spread rumors in a heartbeat!" I spat at him I was some anger because I'm very hungry. "Meet me after school at the gate so we can go to my house that we both staying anyways." I push him out my way and head to the cafeteria. I spotted my friends setting down. "Hey, guys sorry for being late!" Everyone say hi back to me as I sat down. I notice that they got me food which I appreciated about it. We chat with each other until the next bell rings soon close to the end of the which I don't want that though.

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