{ 0. I Am Back }

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Hi guys! 

This isn't an update but I just wanna say that I am back and probably will update regularly, also. Let's just hope school won't take too much of my time. 

I've been out and about for months now and I don't know, I just can't find the motivation to write but then here I am. 

I know this ain't a good story, but I really wanna finish this one maybe because I miss PLL, too. And maybe, because I miss writing, too. 

Honestly, I don't know the flow of this story anymore. Like, do I still want Kathlyn to end up with Ethan or do I want Kathlyn to actually end up with one of the OG PLL boys. So, maybe I'll just figure it out along the way. Oh, I actually read a comment saying that she(?) wants Kathlyn to end up with Jason... but yeah, I don't have plans right now for who she's gonna end up with. Let's just see. 

I attached a (random) Youtube video, but I really love their reactions here. Have fun watching!

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