{ 12. Beaded Bracelet }

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"Hanna!" Kathlyn called out upon entering the Marin residence through the back door.

"Here!" Hanna replied. Kathlyn then proceeded to walk to the living room where she heard Hanna's voice, with Ethan trailing just behind her.

"I don't want to see another police car in front of this house, again." Hanna's mom said as Kathlyn and Ethan reached the living area. Mrs. Marin then went upstairs, leaving the three, not before greeting Kathlyn and Ethan first.

Hanna faced Kathlyn and complained, "I didn't total his car."

"Oh, hi Ethan." Hanna greeted the young man and looked at Kathlyn with a teasing look.

"How did you know anyway?" Hanna asked Kathlyn.

"Well, I received a call from one of daddy's sheriff friends saying that they caught a friend of mine who goes by the name Hanna Marin."

"Isn't Sean your boyfriend?" Ethan interrupted which earned looks from both girls.

"Not anymore." Hanna replied.

"By the way, I have something to tell you." Hanna told Kathlyn while giving Ethan the can-you-leave-us-alone look, which the young man got.

"I'll be outside."

Once gone, Kathlyn patiently looked at the blonde girl.

"I found this in the woods last time." Hanna said while showing a bracelet to Kathlyn. It's a beaded bracelet with Alison's name.

Start of Flashback

The six girls were sitting on their favorite places inside the Hasting's barn when Alison pulled several pouches from her purse and handed them to each of the girls.

"I have something for you girls."

The girls then expectantly opened the pouches. Each of them received beaded bracelet with their own names embroidered on it.

End of Flashback

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kathlyn asked.

"I don't want everyone to freak out." Hanna argued. "I mean, why the hell would that be there if Ali's really dead?"

"I wanna ask a favor though." Hanna said.

"Can you keep this for me? I've been really anxious about this."


"Maybe it has been there even before she went missing?" Aria said. The girls are now in the middle of the town, at a new bench surrounded by beautiful flowerbeds.

"It wasn't dirty." Kathlyn pointed out.

"Rain?" Aria questioned.

Kathlyn shook her head at what Aria was trying to point out, "Whatever it is, there's something that's messing with us, or someone."

"O-kay." Hanna then pulled out her phone from her girly bag and started tapping something.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked.

"I'm blocking everything from people that I don't know." Hanna answered without looking up from her cellphone.

"Everything about 'A'." Hanna added.

Kathlyn, still bothered of the different possibilities and scenarios about whatever's messing with them, landed her eyes on someone, "I spy with my pretty eyes something that begins with 'F'."

"Looking good Mr. Fitz!" Hanna yelled out to Mr. Fitz.

"My turn." Kathlyn was the only one who heard Aria so she panned her head towards Aria, her suspicions are getting stronger.

"There are teachers that you don't wanna see on a bike and there are teachers that you do wanna see on a bike." Hanna blurted out.

"Your turn." Aria told Emily after being done with the same thing Hanna did.

"You've talked with Ben?" Kathlyn asked Emily. During Noel's party, something happened between Emily and Ben, her (ex) boyfriend, the moment became hot yet unwanted and then Toby helped Emily and ever since, Ben and Emily haven't talked yet.

Emily simply shrugged, "Nothing to talk about."

After Emily, Kathlyn and Spencer also did what the other girls did.

"We are officially A-proofed!" Hanna gleefully exclaimed.

"Feels good." Emily added.


"He has to be in New England for a couple of weeks, but he's making a special trip to see me." Hanna cheerfully told Kathlyn. The two are seated on one of the tables at the cafeteria.

"That's great, Han." Kathlyn said back to the blonde girl sitting in front of her, but she then noticed Hanna's face, "But... you don't look that great?"

"It's just... do you think he's here because... because of the thing with Sean's car?" Hanna told Kathlyn.

"I don't think so? I mean, whatever the reason is, it's great that you are going to see him again, right?" Kathlyn assured her friend, who just shrugged and smiled.

All of a sudden, someone flopped to one of the chairs beside Kathlyn's.

"Hi." Hanna and Kathlyn both greeted the person.

"What's that?" Kathlyn asked. Spencer was holding a piece of paper and then without saying anything, she handed the paper to Kathlyn for the brunette to read it.

"Oh my gosh! Your paper was submitted to the Golden Orchid!" Kathlyn congratulated Spencer.

"Golden Orchid?" Hanna asked, confused.

"It's a national competition for historical writing." Kathlyn simply answered.

*bell rings*


Kathlyn's seated on her chair in their Biology class. Then someone greeted her and sat beside her.

"I-I'm sorry..." Kathlyn started.

"For what?" Ethan asked, confused as to why she is saying sorry.

"You know. For what happened, I mean, we weren't able to finish Bio stuff because I had to go to Hanna's house." The brunette explained.

"Oh. That." Ethan finally picked up on what the girl wants to say. "You have practice later?"


"Bio after practice?" Ethan asked.


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