{ 2. One Year Later }

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One year has passed ever since that incident at the Hasting's barn happened. One entire year of the missing case of Alison DiLaurentis. No one knows what exactly happened, no one has got a lead of where the blonde girl is. What happened that night still remains a mystery to the whole town of Rosewood, although some rumors have floated around the town. Some said that Alison eloped with an older guy or that she just left the town out of boredom.

After that night, Aria and her family went to Iceland to help the girl forget about that fearful night, to have a fresh start. Spencer became busier as she interned for the mayor and took classes at Hollis. Emily dedicated most of her time to swimming. Hannah became one of the It girls, alongside Mona Vandeerwal. And Kathlyn remained as one of the popular girls and allotted most of her time in trainings to become the captain of the cheerleading team. Everyone became distant, except maybe, Kathlyn and Emily as they spent most of their time together doing sports.

Kathlyn was doing her daily run alone because her brother, Jackson, ditched her. As she was passing by Aria's house, she saw that the lights were on and that there was a car parked in front.
"Aria's back?"

The brunette stopped her tracks and went to the front door of the Montgomery household and knocked. She surprisingly received a warm hug from Ella Montgomery, mother of Aria.

"How did you know we're back?" Ella asked.

"I didn't. I was passing by and saw the car and knocked. I mean, Aria didn't tell us." Kathlyn reasoned.

Ella just nodded knowing fully well why Aria didn't tell them. She knows that there is a gap now between the girls.

"Aria actually drove Mike to the Lacrosse tryouts." Ella told Kathlyn.

"Oh. It's fine, we'll see each other tomorrow anyway. It's really good to see you again Ella but I have to go, you know, granny worries a lot." Kathlyn told Ella and she heads home.


As soon as Aria got home, she headed to the kitchen and told her grandmother about what she found out. "That's nice to hear. I'll greet Ella later." Sharonn told her granddaughter.

Sharonn and Kathlyn's bonding activity is cooking and as they were cooking, Jack came in.

"How's the tryouts?" Kathlyn asked her brother who attended the tryouts for Rosewood High's basketball team. The girl isn't even worried because she knows her brother's gonna make it.

Jack did a thumbs up. "Good. We're going to know the results tomorrow after class."

"Update me as soon as you get your result, okay?" Jack just nodded at his sister. "By the way, Mike's back."

"I know. Mike told me yesterday. I thought you knew already." Jack told her sister and the girl didn't know what to reply.


The first school day of the year is starting, Kathlyn has just parked her car. "Drive yourself home later, I have chearleading practice."

"What about you?" Jack asked his sister.

"I'll be fine. I'll just hitch a ride with Alice." She replied as she threw the keys to Jack and headed to her first class.

As Kathlyn walked into the classroom, she was greeted by many students and was stopped by Noel Kahn.

"What do you need?" She replied, irritated.

"Come on, Kath. Are you not happy to see me?" Noel said and threw a wink.

Disgusted, Kathlyn just scrunched her nose. "I am a very honest person, Noel. So yeah, I am not happy to see you. Good bye." She said as she walked away from Noel Kahn and headed to their classroom. As she entered the room, she saw Emily and Aria talking and went straight to them.

"Hey!" Kathlyn greeted the two girls.

"Holy Kath, you still look so beautiful. I've heard from mom that you two met yesterday." Aria greeted back and hugged Kathlyn.

"Yup. Actually we should catch up later." Student are starting to pour into the room including Hannah and Spencer so Kathlyn decided to cut their conversation short and went to her seat.

"I heard the new teacher's hot." Kathlyn's seatmate and friend, Alice, said.

Kathlyn just stared at her friend. "Hot news travel fast, kitty Kath." Alice said jokingly.

Everyone fell silent as the new teacher walked into the room. His back was facing the class so no one knows what he looks like yet. Alice let out a flirty sound as the teacher turned around and faced the class, revealing the hot teacher.

"Holy crap." A not-so teacher-like phrase fell out of his mouth. Kathlyn followed his stare and found him looking at Aria. Aria glanced up from the book she was reading and a surprised look was also very evident in her face. That awkward moment was stopped as Aria's phone beeped.

"Sorry." Aria said as she looked for her phone.

While the teacher continued his introduction. "Uhh. I'm Mr. Fitz, Ezra Fitz, your new English teacher."

Right after Ezra Fitz' introduction, Aria found her phone and opened the message.

Maybe he fools around with students all the time.
A lot of teachers do. Just ask your dad.
ㅡ A



Author's note: I'll name Alice as Alice Jones. She's a friend of Kathlyn as well as a cheerleading teammate. I still don't know how relevant her character is going to be in this story. Also, I did this part with just remembering what happened during this part in the series.

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