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All in Garnet's POV XD

I stood in the corner for who knows how long just waiting for the sleeping pills i slipped Jay to take affect

Time passes and I wait for Jay to slowly drift off to sleep. Her eyes softly closed and her body looked less tense than before. I always loved watching her fall asleep. She just looked so calm, finally getting the rest she deserves. I needed some rest too, but that didn't matter now.

I started to gently walks towards her which she was on the couch of all places, careful not to create any sound when I press my foot on to the wooden floor. I wanted to do this for some time, so this was the best time to do it now.

What did i have to lose after all?

I stood beside Jay. She's still asleep, good.

With both hands I started to move Jay and lay her down. Sitting up while sleeping does not look or sound comfortable. I went down with her and sat down on the couch beside her form. Before laying Jay completely on the couch, I laid her head on my lap to serve as a pillow. Thankfully with my careful handling, Jay kept sleeping peacefully. She looked more relaxed than before.

Despite her actions throughout the whole month, I still loved her. I remember the times where she took me out for lunch and those small chats I have with her. I chuckled a little. Still dozing off in my lap, I smiled at the snoozing half gem.

She's as cute as always.

The only time I hated seeing her smiling was whens he was giving that look to Mariah. Envy is a poison and it does a great job at consuming my mind. I got Jay all to myself right now and I get to take my time to enjoy it.

I laid a hand on her head, stroking the smooth surface of her cheek with my thumb. This felt so warm and nice, I love it. The evening lighting that highlighted the entire room made her sleeping body better than I could have imagined. Watching her chest slowly move upwards, then back down had a calming effect on me.

'If only this could last forever...'

'But moments like these don't last forever, you knew this too well Ruby. That's why we got to cherish them whenever you can...'

You don't know how much longer you can do this before Jay wakes up, which i don't think she';; mind finding me doing this though...there can only be a limited amount of time before this happy moment ends. I'm not really sure what to do about it. Oh what I'm willing to do just to be with her like this. I make a mental note to myself to try to get closer to her tomorrow

I sighed and leaned down to get close to her face, only to leave a gentle kiss where her lips are.

" Dream sweet dreams for me Jay" I said with a voice that can only be described as a mother softly talking to her fragile child.

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