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So me and Garnet were walking together with Steven in between us. We were just going for a walk together when I saw a group of people i haven't seen before all huddled around something so i took the right to investigate and walked ahead but as soon as i was close enough i froze in anger.

It was a girl.

I growled and shoved the guy closest to me " Hey! Watch it wrench!" He shouted

I scoffed " It's a newer age hun, get with it." I glared " Didn't your mommy ever teach you not to pick on a lady" Garnet stood back watching with a firm grip on Steven's hand to prevent him from intervening.

Garnet watched wanting to help but knew she needed to fight her own battles

" Take the hint and beat it babe" he rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips

" Tch! I ain't your 'babe' fucknugget, leave the girl alone and fuck off before i make you" I said as a sadistic smirk made its way to my lips, I cracked my knuckles and punched the bloke in the jaw successfully delivering the blow and it knocked him back.

" Beat it." I snarled and they left without anymore hassle, i rushed to the girls aid and bent down to her level

" Hey? You doing okay beautiful?" I asked as i wiped some blood off of her lips.

She flinched and looked up at me, slowly nodding. I helped her to her feet.

Steven and Garnet walked over quickly and Steven gasped at the girls condition

" Usually Beach City is more passive- they must be just passing through is all. " Steven said as i cracked my neck

" So does the gorgeous gal have a name or am i gonna have to keep using pet names for her?" I asked with a chuckle and she blushed. Garnet grumbled and placed a hand onto my shoulder

" It's Tash...and you guys?" she softly said

" The names Jay! not as amazing as your name though sadly." I said with a smile

" Garnet." Garnet said with her grip tightening slightly

" And I'm Steven!" Steven said jumping up an down excited

Suddenly getting serious and we took it to the bench after getting some ice cream.

We talked and got to know each other -including exchanging numbers for me-

I was concerned for her though...she was broken and i knew that i could not fix her, i could only do so much for her.

" How long will you been in Beach City for?" Garnet asked

" I'm not staying here for long though, today was my last day." Tash said before shyly looking down " I-I don't think i can do much more...." She muttered as she started to tear up an her lower lip quivered

" Hey, Tash....life is beautiful-" I started

" B-But not always..." She cutted me off as i sighed and rubbed her forearm

" Yes that is true, it has lots of problems you have to face everyday." I started as she only seemed to get more tense i started to get panicy I gave Steven a nervous look and he nodded motioning me on " Don't worry though! All these problems make you strong, it gives you courage to stand alone in future." I gave her a smile as she lifted her head slowly so that our eyes could meet.

" Really?" She asked looking at Steven and Garnet not fully believing me just yet, the two nodded and I continued to rub her arm

" Life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being nor non-human being on Earth, strong, powerful, wise or rich, who has not experienced, struggle, suffering or failure." I chuckled halfheartedly " You have to work hard to reach to the highest position. Life is full of paths, you just have to choose the right one...life is...interesting and amazing like the stars up in the skies." I smiled at her and she gave me a small smile in return Im getting there slowly so i tilted my head an giggled which she giggled at too.

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