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I sat on the kitchen counter with a half empty bowel of cereal on my lap with my hands firmly cupped around it making sure that it dosent spill or tip over, I had my eyes closed.

One final look,

I opened my eyes the want to look only got stronger as i stared at the food in my hands

one final glance

I looked up and over towards the direction that my secret special someone was standing at.

such deep tri colored eyes,

I was starring at her now as she cleaned her visor making sure that Steven wasn't around as she did so.

I'm in your trance.

I was frozen in place so to say, I couldn't break eye contact even if i wanted to

Those full blush lips,

I et my gaze linger over her plump lips, she glanced in my direction and caught my stare

revealing that perfect smile.

I felt myself smile as she smiled at me, that special smile that only i get

I so need sleep,

I yawned out quietly

but I think I'll dream awhile.

I didn't want to do back to sleep

That radiant skin,

I narrowed my eyes as my smile widened just looking at her

vibrant, glowing and flush.

She was the definition of perfection

An angel at my side,

I giggled silently as she waved me off and placed her visor back on

so much more than a crush

I placed my bowel down and leant my head on my palms which were propped up on my thighs

As I close my weary eyes,

I slowly but surely closed my eyes

I know when I awake,

I yawned again regretting staying up the night prior

you'll be right there,

Garnet looked over at me with a gentle smile of her own taking the quiet moment to analyze me

but first

I bit the inside of my cheek

one more look I'll take

I opened my eyes and we locked gases.

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