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--Garnet's POV---

I closed my eyes but all i could that i could think about was Jay. She just clouded my thoughts. I imagined her smiling face as she tried to silence her giggles, the scent of freshly smoked cigarettes still lingering around her that just mixed with her candy cane scented cheap perfume. I hugged myself and opened my eyes making my lil day dream vanish in an instant.

" i keep clinging onto this idea that one day you'll love me back..."

I waited outside the Big Doughnut waiting for Steven to pick up his order so we can just leave. I saw Jay running towards me and i bit my lip as i saw her smile grow wider as she flung herself at me which lead to me spinning her around, we laughed and i felt my cheeks flush the slightest as she wrapped her arms around my neck and i held her up by her thighs. I couldn't help but nuzzle her hair taking in her signature candy cane scent.

" What's with the sudden affection?" I asked smiling softly

" 'Cause your the best!" Jay cheered and i giggled

An obnoxious loud cough made me place her down and we separated as Jay beamed and hugged the human female... Who is that?

'Who is that thot!?'


'Well she is!'

'She's not a thot'


'She's a mega thot.'

' :) '

I rolled my eyes at the scene playing out infront of me, that human smirked at me as i grimanced when she kissed Jay on the cheek and i nearly gagged when she placed a kiss on Jay's neck.

The human looked over at me grinning as i just huffed an placed a hand on my hip annoyed beyond belief.

" Jay, could you go ahead and meet me at my house?" The human asked and Jay casted me a glance before nodding and leaning off skipping slightly which i found adorable.

The human snickered while narrowing her eyes at me.

" Oh god, she deserves better than me...but fuck you if you think I'm letting her go."

I bit back a growl as my fists clenched which only lead to her laughing at me.

" The names Mariah and your the ' Oh So Famous Garnet' " I grunted

" Yeah yeah, Jay never stops talking about you- its disgusting. Just back off cause shes mine."

She walked closer to me and her smile turned into a frown as she sighed out loudly

" Your a freak. She's half of a freak. I'm not a freak..."

The nerve. I was losing my shit over this an i don't think i can hold back my anger much longer-

" Just some simple innocent advise Garnet..."

" You need to learn to love yourself more than you love her." Mariah said as she patted my back giving me a sly smirk and strutted herself away heading down the boardwalk.

I felt my fists clench as i bit my tongue not to growl or shout at her.


---Jay's POV---

" Did you know that when you break a bone it will typically heal to be stronger than before?" Steven said as he continued to read his science book? i think that's what it is at least

" So should I break every bone in my body over and over again until the gods are at my mercy?" I said questionably as i smiled widely getting pumped up

" -Or you could just be normal for once." Pearl said as she crossed her arms and sighed shaking her head.

I narrowed my eyes as Ame laughed her ass off.

Garnet stood to the side saying nothing.

I glared at Pearl and pouted slouching back against the couch once more.

I looked over at Garnet and noticed that she was still not saying anything? she didn't even say hi to me when i got back from Mariah's house...Did i do something? I hope i didn't! is she upset that i spend more time with Mariah more than her maybe??-

" That's ridiculous. Jay doesn't have a crush on me." Garnet said bluntly as she looked to the side

" Yes she does." Steven said piping up

" Yes she does." Pearl said with an eye roll

" Yes she does." Ame said crossing her arms with an annoyed look

" Yes I do." I said not looking up as i started to text Mariah.

-Garnet died at that moment-

I shrugged off my blanket and sat up right before pulling out a an avocado from my pocket

" An avocado is a fruit, right?"

" I believe so, yes." Pearl said while furrowing her brows

" Then that makes guacamole a jam!" I shouted with my arms in the air

Dead silence...

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