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Yeah so if u haven't figured out now u will in the upcoming chapters that i kinda do more song fics, like a song chapter? whateva ya call it! the lyrics will be incorporated into it! tell me if ya like it or not? <3 XD <3

I was knelt over the toilet bowel with stray pieces of hair sticking to my forehead thanks to the sweat i continued to hurl as i felt fresh tears sting my eyes it hurt so much but it just wouldn't stop coming up, i tucked a strand behind my ear and clenched my arms tightly around my mid section and hugged my stomach hoping that it will magically make it stop.

Tears had pricked the corners of my eyes and were already threatening to fall and i slumped back against the wall beside the toilet with an arm over the rim as i groaned and the tears started to fall my face flushed and eyes red as i felt my stomach grumbled unhappily, i fucking hated the morning rafter's they were always so shit.

And I still can't believe i woke up in a bath tub full of empty beer cans an soap...

And I still can't believe i woke up in a bath tub full of empty beer cans an soap

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I felt a rush of pain and i jerked myself back over the bowel and puked up again...once i had gotten it all out of my system i sat there until i had gathered up enough strength to stand up with a few stumbles i made it to the sink.

I sighed hating the after taste of puke. RIP Food.

And just for the record I don't drink to forget the people I hate, I just...drink to forget the things I hate about myself...crap i made this depressing...

After rinsing my mouth out with my mouth wash. I stuck my tongue out as far as it could go and picked up the damp rinsed towel and started to carefully and hastily scrub my gem to get off all of the extras and stray pieces of old food and other 'things'

I swallowed down some mouth wash. to get rid of the taste andddddddd the scent, i sprayed myself with an unneeded amount of deodorant to hide the cigarette scent that lingered on me since it was stronger than ever.

I soon enough had done all i could do and walked out of the bathroom wiping my damp hands onto my jean pants to try and dry them enough to be comfortable-like yknow? cool cause i don't even know what i am on about...

I look around the house and saw no one around! i had gotten away with some more shit!!! whoop!...i heard a cough and froze. Fuck My life.

I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck as i saw Garnet leaning against the kitchen counter, how the fuck did i not see her!?

She didn't react to my fidgeting so i just sighed and huffed annoyed when she motioned me to take a seat so i sat down on the counter beside her and got ready for her punishments, better than having to deal with Pearl though- yikes fights with her get me all up an cranky.

Garnet stayed silent and just as i was about to say something she cutted me off-

" Alcohol poisoning-" Oh here we go " -Anyone who drinks a lot in a short space of time can suffer alcohol poisoning" She started, shes talking as if im not a person anymore!?

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