Standing up straight, Shion gave one more threatening sneer to Aaron before he turned away, a mirthful smirk coming upon his face when he saw Aaron breathe a sigh of relief out of the corner of his eye.

"Here," Satsuki handed a towel off to both Shion and Aaron. "Dry yourselves off first." Then she went to do some warm-up exercises in the center of the room.

Taking the towel, Shion didn't offer any thanks as he started drying his hair. Noticing a significant change in lighting, Shion looked outside. The sky that had been a dull gray darkened as heavy, black clouds rolled in. The colours that were grayed out became darker as the sky rumbled, and the rain came to a stop.

Shion ignored the poorly hidden laughter from Aaron and Satsuki as he finished drying his hair. It was still a bit damp, but if he fully dried it with a towel it would frizz up even more. Dropping the towel on a bench, Shion went through his bag and took out two cases. The first one he used to put his glasses in, while the other had contacts that he put in.

Blinking a few times to make sure his contacts felt right, Shion set his things back in order and moved to the centre of the room to do his own routine to limber up.

"Any rules?" Satsuki asked while she watched Shion. It wasn't so much of a warm-up, but simple stretches to loosen his muscles.

Holding the stretch for his neck, Shion met Satsuki's eyes through his bangs, "No..." he tilted his head and a loud resounding crack came from his neck, "It wouldn't be any fun with them."

His calm tone was eerie to Satsuki and she watched as he took off his sweater and threw it off to the side. The clothes he wore didn't fit with the setting, a maroon button-up and black dress pants. She swallowed thickly as he rolled the cuffed sleeves up to his elbows.

Squaring himself with Satsuki, Shion put up his guard and a vicious sneer pulled at the corner of his mouth.

Squaring himself with Satsuki, Shion put up his guard and a vicious sneer pulled at the corner of his mouth

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"Shall we dance?"

A cool waft of wind drifted in the dojo as Satsuki got into her stance. The low rumble of thunder felt as if it shook the building. Seconds later, a downpour of rain washed across the area and lightning cracked in the sky.

The two moved. Satsuki stepping in for a punch, while Shion batted the fist away with the back of his forearm as his opposite leg swung up, coasting to her head. Satsuki went to block with both of her arms, but the kick pivoted and struck her in the side. Her arm blocked some of it, but she nearly doubled over as air was knocked out of her lungs with a faint wheeze.

With that opening, Shion raised his leg and swung it down like a hammer, his heel nearly connecting before Satsuki leaned back and felt it go past. From her judgement, if that had hit her collarbone—which she had no doubt was the target area—it would have been cleanly broken.

Defence wasn't really her strong suit anyway.

Leaping, Satsuki approached with a flying kick that Shion had no choice other than to dodge. Satsuki took more control over the fight with how many strikes she was throwing out, but only a few were making it through. None of her kicks connected, but her punches seemed to overwhelm him more from how quickly she was dishing them out.

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