Chapter 53: The Day We Died

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It was 9 cars against 12 cars. 32 people against 45. No doubt, Linfeng's side won.

Some of Gao Huan's men run away knowing that their chief died.

It's a good thing that only small casualties were on Linfeng's side. One died and seven were injured from their team.

I was sitting beside Linfeng. This time, he didn't drive. He just holds my hand tightly letting me feel his warmth.

I was staring at him, not blinking. In three years, he changed a lot. He aged. I can see it's proof in some of his sideburns.

Linfeng felt my stare as he turned to me. He caught me staring at his sideburns. Which he touched and said lightly.

"I aged a lot, right? It's a 'long' three years."

He doesn't have to say anymore. How much he missed me, how much he looked for me, how much he anticipated for this day as I had. It all could be seen in his red eyes, the dark circles underneath, his shaking lips, and his warm hands that never let go of my hands.

So all this time...I am not alone.

He too..was waiting for the day we meet again. To find each other.

Linfeng held me close and embraced me tightly. He did that every ten seconds. I can't count how he would tell me this,

"I am sorry. I came late. I am sorry...sorry.." then he would kiss the bump in my head over and over again wishing that it would go away. He did that too in my hair, in my forehead and again kissed my head.

This action made me forget that I had just gone through hell.

But this bliss did not last.

Suddenly a group of cars caught up with us. Not only that, some black cars magically appeared in front. They came from another intersection.

Ten cars came in front and they turned their cars swiftly facing towards us. We don't have a choice but to stopped to not collide with them. At the same time, the cars the caught up to us surrounded us at the back too. We have no way out.

We have to face them.

The car in front of us opened its door and a strong bulky man appeared. At the same time, all the men in front came out from their respective cars, waving their guns at Linfeng's group.

"We won't make it hard for you. Just hand the Miss and we will compromise not to shoot anyone. We don't want anyone to die here today right? Let's solve it peacefully."

My mouth dropped for a moment.

Is this man was joking?! Linfeng came here for me. How would they hand me easily to them again?!

But I still looked at Linfeng. I'm not worried he would hand me out. I'm more worried about how we would escape. Ten cars in front. I looked at the back, I was shocked at what I saw. Ten more cars.

12 against 20.

Linfeng picked a walkie-talkie from his side.

"Formation in 5 seconds. 5-" Linfeng began to count. The cars behind and in front suddenly turned their engine on and drive away around us.

"..four-" each car went to their respective position. The cars at the back faced the cars who caught up with us. One car at each of our sides.

"..three-" Linfeng looked at me. That fleeting look told me everything. He wished to stay with me.

He longed for me.

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