Chapter 15: Putting the Backup Plan in Action

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"It's perfect Jasmen, I knew you would have a good plan!" Nya told her. "We just need to tell Skylor about this."

"P.I.X.A.L already sent her a message since I recorded the plan to her," Zane told them.

"Nice!" Lloyd said happily.

"Alright, we have a backup plan! Now, we need to put in action!" Jasmen said.

3rd P.O.V

The ninja started getting the plan ready. It was taking a while to do, but they were almost finished. They started the plan at noon and it was now 4:50 PM.

Jasmen was in charge of all of it to make sure everything was just right.

Who wouldn't if your family member has gotten taken away by a villain? Of course, you would want to be in charge and make things absolutely perfect.

Sunlight walked up to Jasmen and asked, "Jasmen, could I help you guys with the plan? I mean I am Brianna's partner after all."

"Of course you can Sunlight," Jasmen told her, picking up the orange cat with sky blue eyes. "Why would I say no?" She asked.

"Because I'm a cat." Sunlight told her.

"You're a different type of cat," Jay said as he continued doing his job.

"Plus, you being Bri's partner, you can help sense her better and maybe if we find her. You can talk her out of being Morro's wife and come back to us. That's IF she wants to do that." Lloyd told Sunlight.

Jay was updating and fixing Zane's falcon so it can do a tad bit more than usual. Instead of 2-minute videos, there can now be 2 hrs worth.

"I just remembered that Brianna has her communicator on her! She never leaves without that!" Sunlight told them.

"What?!" They all said.

"I remember her putting it into her pocket so she can have the time or date." Sunlight said, jumping out of Jasmen's arms and onto an empty table.

"Can it make calls without WiFi?" Skylor asked as she rushed over back to the Temple once she got P.I.X.A.L's message.

Sunlight smiled widely. "Yes, yes it can!"

"Now, I know why I updated the falcon to have a call mode or text mode." Jay said happily.

"Nice!" Kai said. "You did something good for once."

"HEYYYY!!!" Jay yelled and crosses his arms.

"I'm kidding." Kai said rolling his eyes.

"You done with the falcon, Jay?" Jasmen asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Okay, now hit record. I'm making that video for Bri so when the falcon finds her location, she can watch it." Jasmen told him.

"Yes, ma'am!" Jay said as he pressed record and everyone went quite for Jasmen to speak in peace.

Jasmen spoke in the recording:

The Bride of Morro: A SunsetBreeze FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora