Chapter 19: First Kiss

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Morro looked at her and began to act nervous.

"Morro, what's wrong?" Brianna asked.

"This question I'm about to ask might surprise you," Morro said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's the question?" Brianna asked, curiously.

"May I..." Morro began before stopping.

"May you what?" Brianna asked, getting more curious.

Morro then took a deep breath before continuing his question, which was...

"May I kiss you?"

~3rd P.O.V~

Brianna blushed hard at the question and was confused as well.

"W-what d-did y-you j-just a-ask?" she stuttered.

"I asked if I could kiss you," Morro repeated and rubbed the back of his neck from embarrassment. "It's okay if it's a no. I'm just asking."

"Alright, you may," Brianna said without thinking.

Morro looked at her and blushed dark green. "Wait?! You'll let me kiss you?!"

Brianna realized what she said, and thought for a second before nodding.

"I mean...I'll never kiss anyone else in my life," Brianna told him.

"Have you had your first kiss?" Morro asked.

"No, I haven't," Brianna replied, looking away.

"I haven't either," Morro told her as he looked at her.

"I believe you since you," Brianna said softly and looked up at him.

Morro nodded and pulled Brianna close. "So may we?"

Brianna hesitated before saying, "we may."

Morro then placed his hand on the back of Bri's neck, pulling her face closer to his.

Brianna blushed hard and quickly made the first move to kiss him.

Morro was disappointed he didn't make the move that Brianna did.

The two parted away after 2-3 minutes, and both looked at each other with blushing faces while panting quietly.

"That was..." Brianna began.

"Amazing." Morro finished stroking her face while looking into her eyes.

"I didn't know you could kiss like that," Brianna said.

"I'm full of surprises, aren't I?" Morro asked with a wink.

"Yes, you are," Brianna replied with a soft blush.

Morro smiled and kissed her forehead. "Such a sweet girl."

"Thanks," Brianna said, looking at him.

Morro cupped her face. "How about another dance?" He asked.

"Sure," Brianna said.

Morro got up and held his hand out to her, which Brianna accepted and got up. She held his hand back inside the ballroom.

The two started dancing once more.

10 minutes later, the Sun Guardian soon felt tired and put her head on Morro's chest.

"Tired, love?" Morro asked her.

"Yeah, what time is it?" Brianna asked.

Morro looked at the ballroom clock. "Almost midnight."

"Time flies, huh?" Brianna asked.

Morro nodded. "It does. Now, we should go to bed."

Brianna nodded and smiled a bit.

Morro took her hand, and the two headed out of the ballroom and to Brianna's room.

"Here you go, Bri," Morro said as they got to her room door.

"Thank you for tonight," Brianna told him and looked up at him.

"You're welcome," Morro said, looking at her back.

Brianna kisses his cheek. "Good night," she said as she opened her door and went into her room.

"Night," Morro said as Brianna shut her door. He walked back to his room with a giant smile on his face.

~Morro's P.O.V~

I felt myself smile, after all, the girl I like kissed me on the cheek twice, and not just that, but we kissed.

I know just how she's acting. She's falling for me.

She doesn't want to admit it yet. That's fine, but I'm impatient about when she'll admit it to me.

I chuckled to myself. She's just shy, that's all. I need to be patient.

I opened my room door and went inside. I closed the door.

I put on a black tank top and shorts and laid down. I thought about our date while closing my eyes.

I'm so glad my proposal was accepted. I have had a crush on her since I attacked the ninja.

My eye caught her running out of the shop with her hair blowing in the breeze.

My goal was to get her regardless of what happened against the ninja, but it worked out perfectly.

To be Continued...

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