Chapter 9: The Decision

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I know what I have to do. I finally made the decision even though my friends will not like it. It has to be done.' She thought. 'I'm sorry everyone. You must lose me to gain back Misako and Sensei. Please, forgive me.'

~3rd P.O.V~

It was the final day and the ninja was stressed since no one confessed.

"It's the third day and no one. What's going to happen to Misako and Sensei?" Kai asked.

Lloyd went to say something until he heard Jasmen yell in a panic.

"I can't find Bri! She's nowhere!" Jazz yelled. "She came back yesterday!"

"I found this in her room!" Cole said holding a letter. "Lloyd read it." He said giving the letter to Lloyd.

"Why do you want me to read it?" Lloyd asked.

"I'd rather have someone else read it out loud so I don't read it to myself," Cole said.

"That kinda makes sense," Jay said.

"Unlike you," Kai mumbled.

Lloyd took a deep breath and opened the letter. He read the letter aloud,

Dear friends,

You may not like this, but I decided to go and accept Morro's proposal. Please, don't come after me. I'll see if I can write letters or something.
It's just that I couldn't bear seeing Misako and Wu captured much longer. You guys have helped me so much in the past, let this be a payback.
If you need any more explanation on why I'm doing this...ask Nya. She knows what's going on because I told her.
   I hope you forgive me for this and it's okay if you don't. Love you guys and make sure Sunlight gets taken care of even though she's a talking cat and can take care of herself.
   Remember my saying, "When the Sun goes down, hope shows for the next day."

Sincerely the Sunset Ninja herself,

Brianna Katsuki Tourmaline

Everyone froze and went wide-eyed. Jasmen started to cry a bit since her cousin was doing something that could result in her being harmed.

"Brianna....she didn't...." Kai said quietly.

"Nya, could you tell us what Brianna told you?" Zane asked looking at her.

Nya sighed softly. "Brianna went to the fortune teller yesterday and she told Brianna that if she goes with Morro." Nya took a long pause before continuing. "If she goes with him, there will be a happy future for Brianna."

"WHAT?!" Cole and Jasmen shouted.

"A happy future with him?! Was that fortune teller a fake or was she thinking about another person?" Jay asked.

"No, it wasn't sadly," Nya said sighing. "That's why she's going with him. Brianna also said that she could change his heart and bring him back to the light."

"I mean Bri has helped people change in the past, maybe she could help Morro?" Zane said thinking.

"But Morro is Morro! He won't listen to anybody an-" Jay was smacked in the head hard by Jasmen.

"Don't you dare doubt my cousin or her abilities!" Jasmen said glaring at him.

"It also seems like Morro is attracted to her," Kai said thinking. The way he acted at the party with her and when he told us the trade."

Cole growled at Kai. "I think we know, but he could just be acting like that to make Bri want to go."

"I agree with Cole. We should head out to the Monastery to stop Bri even if she said not to." Lloyd said.

"Why do you care so much about Bri anyway?" Nya asked raising a brow.

Lloyd blushed softly. "No reason. She's my gaming and otaku buddy."

"Uh, huh." Jasmen said glaring at Lloyd.

"Anyway... let's go!" Lloyd said as he ran out of the Bounty with everyone following him.

~Meanwhile with Brianna~

Brianna finally got to the top of the stairs panting. "How did they climb these stairs?" She asked herself.

She looked around for Morro. "Maybe he's not here." She said at loud. "Morro? Are you here?" Brianna asked out loud.

Morro smirked as he was there just not answering Bri. He walked up behind her quietly and waited for the right moment.

"Guess he isn't here," Brianna said sighing.

Morro leaned in and whispered in Bri's ear, "Oh, I'm here sweetheart."

Brianna jumped and turned around. "Morro!" She said putting a hand on her heart from the scare.

Morro laughed a bit. "So easy to scare, dear."

"Shush," Brianna said.

"So, what did the ninja want to tell me?" Morro asked.

"What do you mean?" Brianna asked confused.

"They probably sent you so you can reason with me," Morro told her. "If they want to know if I changed my mind, I didn't!"

"Well guess what Master of Wind..."

"What? If it's about me not getting a bride I'm going to be mad." Morro said looking at her.

"A bride you shall have, Morro!" Brianna said not thinking twice.

Morro smirked. "And who's the lucky bride?"

Brianna took a shaky breath. "Right here."

To be continued...

What do you think will happen next?~

What do you think will happen next?~

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