Thirteen Years Later

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I woke up to the sun shinning directly in my eyes. I moved my hand in the way so I could regain my sight. I looked around and everyone but my parents were up. I'll never understand how their names went from Alizabeth to Nicole to Joe, and how Bryce went to Mad Dog. Or why does my mom wears a wedding ring, but my dad doesn't. There are alot of things I've never understood in my thirteen years of existence. I wish I had a sibling to discuss all these things with, but when I asked one from my mom when I was younger, she'd get all teary-eyed and tell me to go play with Uncle Kissmy.

It's a weird thing, my family. I have alot of aunts and uncles, but none of us are related. I have my mom, Joe, who's actually my mom. I have my dad, Mad Dog, who's actually my dad. And here's where it gets weird. My aunt, Coco, isn't really my mom's sister. My aunt, Mamasita, is a clone of Coco's real sister, who's dead. My uncle, Kissmy, isn't related to either of my aunts. He's just someone who looked exactly like my real uncle, who's dead, and they adopted him. My uncle, Boss Man, is Coco's boyfriend. Then I have aunt Buzz Kill and uncle Loud Speaker, aunt Charles, and uncle Fire Muffin. The only people who are related are me and my parents. See why I need a sibling? The closest thing I have to a sibling, or even a cousin, is Uncle Kissmy. He's twelve years older than me.

"Sylvan Maxxis Lee!" yelled my mom. Uh oh. "I thought I told you that you had gym with Fire Muffin this morning!"

"Ack! I forgot! I'm sorry!"

"Don't tell me you're sorry! Go downstairs and tell him!" I quickly changed out of my normal clothes into the gym clothes of the school. "Hurry up! The more late you are, the pissier he'll be!"

I ran up and kissed my mom on the cheek, "Bye, mom."

"Nooooow!" she rushed me out of the room.

I bolted down stairs to the large gym. By the time I had reached the gym, I was already out of breath. I looked around, and started to question the quietness. All of our equipment was set up, but Fire Muffin was nowhere in the gym. I was about to investigate when I felt a hand on my shoulder, followed by a zombie-like moan. I grabbed the hand and forced it back into the zombies' face. Then I swept it off its feet and stood with my foot directly on it's neck. Upon closer examination, it wasn't a zombie. It was Fire Muffin, smiling. I lifted my foot off his neck and stepped back to allow him to get up.

"Coach! What the heck was that for?! I almost killed you!" I shouted.

He laughed, "I wouldn't let you kill me, but you're offensive moves have improved. However, we need to work on your senses. Your mother would've known the zombie was there before it even touched her. You're more like your dad. Fight first, thinking second."

I nodded as I absorbed the criticism. Fire Muffin was always honest when it came to my training. I can understand why my mom put me through this. As far as I know, I'm the only second generation zombie killer in the United States. Once my family's gone, I'm the only one.

"Today we're going to work on your cardio again because I heard you panting from down the hall." I groaned. I hated running. I didn't care if it was the number one survival skill, I HATE running. "Quit complaining and give me ten laps." I sighed and started around the gym.

I walked up the stairs. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow..." Each step killed my legs. I had run for over an hour. Luckily tomorrow was a Saturday, and we never work on Saturday. I don't know why, but Fire Muffin and Charles always disappeared on Saturdays...

Next I walked to Mr.Man's class for zombie history and battle tactics.

"When a runner comes near you, what should you do?" Mr. Man asked.

"Use a bat or base of the gun to bash its head. If you can't, then get low since runners cannot stop and swoop low?" I questioned my answer.

"That's...actually right. Good job, Sylvan," he praised in his usual monotone. Boss Man was one of the only members in my family to call me Sylvan. Everyone else just called me Maxx or Maxxis since it's my middle name. "Now if you have one zombie to your left and two to your right, and you're armed with a broom stick, what's the quickest way to take them out?"

"Go for the two on the right...uh..." I trailed off.

"Depending on?" he hinted.

"Speed and strength?"

"Yes. Very good." He looked at his watch. "Alright, your time is up. Go to Self Expression class with Buzz Kill and Coco."

I stopped in the door way and looked back. "Hey, Mr. Man."


"When I was S.E the other day, Coco and Buzz Kill played a song called 'Put a Ring on It,' and then they started talking about you. Why?"

He sighed and laughed at the same time. "Because your aunt Coco really wants me to marry her."

I raised an eyebrow. "So why don't you?"

"Because she knows I love her. There'd be no point. Now hurry up, or they'll paint a mural on how you being late makes them feel, or whatever it is you do in there."

"Actually, we usually listen to loud music and smash things."

"Well, hurry anyway." Then I ran down the hall and down the stairs. I was careful to keep my defensive position up in case either 1) A zombie attacked, or 2) Coach attacked.

"Heads up!" yelled Buzzkill as a vase was thrown across the room. I managed to duck in time and began painting on a canvas. I had no idea what I was doing, but after a mere half hour, an actual image appeared on my canvas.

"Damn, boy, you have your mother's art talent," said Aunt Coco looking closely to my painting with her one eye.

I blush and manage to stutter out the words," T-thank you."

After SE, it was time for dinner, and I walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. Mom sat off at a table as everyone else was grabbing food. She had a ramen cup ready for me at the table. As I sat down and began to start eating, I noticed a bandage wrapped around her hand.

"How did you hurt your hand?" I asked.

"Just a water burn, it should heal in a couple days after it blisters," she answered slurping her noodles.

One by one the rest of the family sat down and all looked at dad.

Dad cleared his throat before saying, "Son, since you have done so well with your studies, we all think you should be able to kill your first zombie. It is time you learned to fight the real thing."

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