Chapter Ninety-Two: A Catch Up

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I groaned as the sun shined onto my face. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep, but it was impossible.

"Lydia, you need to walk up," I heard Jungkook softly say, I ignored him and again, tried my best to go to sleep again.

"Don't you ignore me, Lucas is here, we've got a whole day planned out. You can't bail on us now, he's been here for over an hour waiting. I told him you were getting ready. Now get your sweet ass up please," he begged.

I smirked as I stayed in my position to see what he'd do.

"You've let me no choice," he mumbled.

The room fell silent for a few seconds as I felt a hand grab my ankles. I let out a scream as I erupted into laughter. Jungkook got a hold of my waist and lifted me over his shoulder, I kicked and screamed for him to put me down, but I constantly laughed throughout struggling.

"Here wear these, make yourself pretty even though you already are, we will leave in a 10-minutes, hurry."

He left me alone, I grabbed the clothes Jungkook gave me from my wardrobe. He did a good job picking out clothes, he grabbed me a pair of black ripped jeans and a yellow crop top.

I got changed and went to sort my hair, I straightened it and left it at that, I didn't put any makeup on because Jungkook had finally shouted me down.

"Lydia, let's go."

"Why did I agree to this?" I mumbled to myself opening my bedroom door and shutting it. I walked downstairs and noticed my dad and Jungkook at the bottom of the stairs.

"Finally," my dad laughed, "Agreed! she is finally ready," Jungkook cheered.

I gazed at Jungkook and mentioned him to shut up, he was about to mess up my hair until I put my hand out to stop him, "Don't you dare!" I yelled.

I ran out of the front entrance running past Namjoon, "Morning!" I yelled to him, "More like afternoon," he replied.

I heard Jungkook running after me, I ran again and ended up at the car, "I'm going in the front."

"Fine, if it makes you happy," Jungkook groaned.

"Is she normally like this?" Lucas whispered to Jungkook, I smirked at them knowing I could hear them, "Sometimes."


"Tell me more about your life, what did you and Hannah do throughout the years?" Lucas asked me.

We ended up in a small cafe in the middle of town, It was cute. We all sat around a 3 seated table with our drinks.

I shrugged, "She worked a lot, she worked hard not just for me but for herself, she wanted to do her best for me. She wanted to give me everything she could, I will always look up to her," I said.

He nodded, smiling, "Did she mention me?"

"A few times, I mean she hated talking about you. Not like in a bad way but it would pain her whenever I brought you up, so it was for the best."

"Yeah, she always got emotional at easy things. I can't imagine how she was when she found out I passed," he sighed.

I shrugged again, I couldn't reply, I just never knew the right words to say.

"You were due April 5th is that when you were born?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, luckily I was. My mum told me she went into labour on the 4th throughout the night," I sighed.

I looked over at Jungkook who was listening to us both talk peacefully, I respected that.

"I visited grandma and grandad," I happily cheered, "I loved spending time with them."

"My parents?" He asked.

"Yeah, mum and I used to go visit them for Christmas, they travel the world now. The last time I went to visit them was in Australia!"

Lucas looked amazed, I waited for him to answer but his face looked so surprised.

"It means a lot you still talk to them and they do the same to you. Honestly, they weren't the happiest when Hannah fell pregnant, I'm so grateful they changed their mind."

"Oh really? I'm their favourite," I pouted.

"You sure are."

"Anyways, thank you for today. I needed it. The past 18 years have been hell for me. Thank you for wanting me to be in your life."

This took a serious turn.

"Of course! You are my dad. It's not your fault you are like this, I'll always be here for you."

He got up from his seat and leaned over to hug me, "I will always be here for you too, don't you forget that."

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