Seventy-One: Fun in the Snow

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"It's freezing," I said, shivering. Jungkook sighed giving me the gloves he had in his pocket. "That might heat your hands a little."

"Thank you," I smiled, while putting them on, my hands soon warmed up.

We walked along the beach, it was empty since it wasn't summering anymore. I loved it like this.

Jungkook now and then gazed at me. Whenever I'd look at him, he would look away instantly. I felt my cheeks heat up as I let out a small chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" Jungkook asked.

"Nothing," I shook my head.

The snow had calmed down. We could look up in front of us, instead of looking down. The snow wasn't deep, but it was enough to leave deep footprints.

The sky was now beginning to get dark as you could see the sunset over the horizon.

"I needed this walk," I sighed fixing my hat, Jungkook stopped and turned to face me.

"I'm glad."

The sky was getting much darker now as we moved again making our way home.

"Let's go another way home, so you can spend more time getting fresh air." Jungkook offered, walking in a different direction we had come. "I mean... sure, just don't get us lost," I joked.

Jungkook laughed, "As if we would get lost, I know this town from inside out."

"Alright." I put my hands up in defence.

Jungkook stopped walking when we made it past a park, I had never been to this part of town before, it looked very victorian, they must have left this part of town untouched.

"Do people live here?" I asked looking at all of the houses.

"Of course, people live here. This is the oldest part of the town! Come on, let's keep moving." He took the first steps as the snow looked a lot deeper around this area.

I walked a little behind him looking down at my feet, suddenly I felt something smack my hat. I looked up and noticed Jungkook had made snowballs, "What are you doing?" I groaned, wiping the excess snow off me.

"I'm having some fun," he chuckled as he chucked another one at me, hitting my leg.

"Oh, it's on," I grinned.

I ran towards a sign on the ground and took cover while I collected snow and moulded it. I made a bunch and carried them with me.

"You are going to get it!" I threatened, while chucking my first one at him.

"Oh so, you are playing like that are you?" He raised his eyebrow, he got 2 from his pile and chucked them both at me, I ducked trying to save myself but they both hit me.

"Hey!" I laughed.

I had enough and got the rest of mine and ran up to him. He must have noticed what I was about to do and spirited me away from him.

"Get back here!" I yelled chasing after him, damn he was fast even without that damn speed he does.

I soon recognised where I was, I was now in the new part of town. I lost Jungkook a while back, he is too fast for me.

I walked along the street I was in, noticing I was at the town hall. I crossed the road and felt something touch my back. I turned around and there stood Jungkook with a smirk on his face, "It's my turn now." He came running up to me as my eyes widened. I couldn't escape him, I laughed as I tried to beg for mercy.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook!" I screamed.

Jungkook laughed and took my hat off dumping the snow in my hair, I gasped at how cold it was.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled.

I chased after him again, this caused people to stop and watch us. I got a hold of his arm and I playfully dragged him to the ground chucking the snow, making sure it was all up in his hair like he did to me.

"Okay, okay, we are even!" He cried.

Jungkook got up from the ground and helped me stand up, "That was fun," I admitted.

"It was, I can't remember the last time I had a snowball fight," he laughed getting the snow out from his hair.

When we made it back home, Jin noticed the state we were both in and told us to wait at the front door instead of trailing all the wetness into the house.

He soon came back with towels and I wrapped my hair in one, "I'm going for a bath." I announced.

I walked up to my room and grabbed some comfortable clothes to change into then made my way to the bathroom.

I turned on the taps and ran my bath, I made sure it was warm enough for me and turned the taps off. I made sure the door was locked and stripped out of my wet clothes, I took the towel down from my hair and got into the bath. My body instantly felt much better, I let out a sigh of relief knowing I was now getting warmth back into me.

Today was fun, but for the past few days, I've been thinking... why is Jungkook suddenly being nice to me now? I mean with Adelia he lied. All he did was a lie, I felt myself wanting to ask him but I was afraid he would take it the wrong way.

After thinking I went back to relaxing again, I looked down at my wound and noticed it was getting much better.


It was getting much better. It looked like it was almost healed.


I panicked, how was my body healing so fast?

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