Chapter Eighty: Escaped

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It had been well over a week now, and I haven't spoken to Jungkook since that night we kissed.

I just finished folding Taehyung's last shirt. I regretted the deal we made, I was exhausted.

I made my way into Taehyung's room to see him on his bed with his eyes closed, I sighed and placed his clothes onto his bed. I slowly made my way out of his room, "Thanks," I heard him mumble.

I continued my walk and heard voices coming from downstairs. Namjoon and Jungkook were talking in his office. Their voices became clearer as I made my way to the stairs.

Giving into myself I tiptoed over and sat on the top step, The voices were muffled but I could make some things out, "It didn't work for the second time, I'm sorry I went against your order but I don't get how it doesn't work on her?" I heard Jungkook say, I frowned. What were they talking about?

The voices died down and suddenly I heard the office door open, I jumped up and ran away to my room. When I was almost there, I took another step and heard a loud smash coming from the basement. I stopped walking and stood there. What was that?

"Hold on, I will go see what that was," I heard Namjoon shout to everyone, I walked back over to the railing and instantly locked eyes with Jungkook.

Seconds later, we heard Namjoon angrily yell and curse random things, he came back up and slammed the door shut, "He is gone."

"Sam is gone? How did he get out?" Jungkook asked.

"The window is smashed, we must have not tied him tight enough, I want full protection over Lydia, she doesn't anywhere."

"Understood," I all heard them say.

Namjoon looked up and looked at me "Don't worry, you are safe, we won't let him harm you," he said trying to calm me down.

I slowly nodded, I still had no idea what was happening, he escaped, he can kill me now.

"Yoongi, Jimin and myself, will go around town and get more people to look for him, while we are away Jin will keep an eye out just in case he comes back."

They all disappeared with what they needed to do, I slowly went to my bedroom and sat on my bed hugging my legs.

I heard knocks on my door as I tried my best to ignore them. I instantly felt terrified of this town again, for the past few weeks I was fine knowing he was locked up, but now, I wanted out of this town.

The door opened to reveal Jungkook, "I'm sorry," He came over and rubbed my back, "I hate this town so much," I cried.

" I just want everything to go back to normal," I wiped a few tears that were running down my face.

"Don't cry," he pulled me into a hug which I accepted, I loved hugs at the moment.

"We will get him again and Namjoon won't go easy on him next time, I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I said showing my little finger.

"Pinky Promise!" He put his finger on mine and smiled.

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