When finished with her shower she dried her hair, fixing the waves with a bit of foam, so it would define it better. Then she simply put a bit of mascara and black eyeliner, which was enough to enhance her huge and curled eyelashes, as well as to enhance the green of her eyes. Already dressed, she spread a few drops of perfume, again his favorite perfume, the one that used to drive him crazy, the one he sometimes asked her to put some drops on her neck before going to bed. Ready, she went downstairs and talked to Ozzie, like instructed him to behave. She only hoped her living room wouldn't be trashed when she came back, and then her heart ached a bit for leaving a baby dog alone, but she had to learn how to separate from him and vice versa. James rang the bell and she tapped Ozzie's head.

"You behave." She said and then grabbed her purse from the hanger near her door, then her keys from the phone table and she opened the door.

It was pouring rain, so she pushed the button to open the gate outside. James understood what she meant and drove inside, holding his breath when he saw her figure on her porch waiting for him. She looked stunning from his point of view.

"Thanks." She smiled hopping in.

"Hi." He smiled and she bent over him to kiss his cheek. The scent of the perfume invaded his nose. Not only she looked so wonderful as well as she smelled incredibly good.

"I wonder how Lars is going to throw a barbecue when it's raining this much!" She commented and they began their way there.

"He's not. He called me meanwhile that there was this slight change of plans. He ordered some sushi and stuff."

"Hum... sushi." Rafaela commented.

The radio was playing low and James was also driving slow due to the rain. They weren't talking, James was paying attention to the road and Rafaela was paying attention to the street, watching the view as they crossed the bridge. She has always been very fond of the view from there.

"Rafi..." James called her almost whispering, making her turn her head to look at him. Instead of going on he shut up, but she kept looking at him. "You look so beautiful." He said, letting out the words that were echoing inside his mind since he saw her.

Her heart raced but she was caught with no reaction. She was still fighting the need to rest her hand on his leg. "I hope Ozzie doesn't destroy my living room." She said out of nowhere and totally uncalled for, but James smiled.

"He won't. He must be crying all desperate he's there alone." He then laughed loud, because he knew that would terrify her. She tapped his arm.

"Don't say that! I make you go back so I can bring him with me!"

"What now? We're almost at Lars."

"I don't care." Then she fell silent and he realized she was in fact thinking about he said.

"He's not, he's probably chewing your couch and peeing on your carpet." Rafaela burst into laughter, throwing her head back.

"Hope he's not doing any of that."

"He's a puppy..." James said.

"Ugh..." She made a face. Then she trusted her puppy, she knew Ozzie must have been sleeping on his new bed. "How are you feeling?"

James understood the content of her question. "I am feeling alright. I took the pills as Tony instructed me. I don't crave physically which is a plus, on the other hand, my head is killing me."

"There's going to be booze at Lars', how are you going to cope with it? He'll notice you're not drinking."

"Maybe he won't, if he does, I'll come up with something." James said.

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