When you stopped gagging, you spat out the disgusting taste left in your mouth before straightening up. He helped you sit down by a tree and kneeled down.

"You are pale, have you eaten something bad?" He asked quickly, his hands caressing your cheeks. You couldn't mutter any words, falling into his arms unconscious.


After a few hours, you woke up in a room. A blanket was over you, two maids helping you recover.

"I want to know what is wrong with her!" You heard Jungkook shout. "Your grace, this is not the time." Your maid replied.

"I don't care! She is sick! I need to know she is okay!" Jungkook yelled. "Now you care?! The town she belonged to, the people she grew up with, the aunt she grew up with that she saw as a mother!" The maid yelled back.

"They all died! They all killed because of a fire you didn't want to take out! She clutched her dead aunt's body while crying her eyes out!"

"All you did was turn around and leave!" The maid exclaimed with a whimper, hurried steps echoing outside the building.

You sighed as a tear rolled down your cheek, sitting up. The girls gasped when you got up to your feet, quickly moving in front of you.

"Princess! You cannot leave yet! You're still sick and you have a fever!" One of the maids exclaimed while you made your way to the doors.

"Don't worry about me. The king didn't care about us anyway." You said, pushing the doors open weakly and collapsing against a chest.

"Y/n, please. Let them take care of you." Jungkook whispered in your ear as he held you gently. His hold was soft as if he was scared to break you if he held you tighter.

"I'm fine." You whispered, your voice cracking softly. You pulled away with your gaze on the ground, hiding your teary eyes.

"I have to go. I need things to do." You said, looking up at him. "At least one of us actually tries to save our people." Staring into his eyes for a bit, you then walked away with your hands gripping your skirt tightly.

You tried your best to not sob until you were gone out of sight even though you could hear steps behind you.

[ Two Weeks Ago ]

"Auntie!" You yelled as you ran through the town. Buildings were on fire, people running around scared as soldiers ran after them.

Jungkook's guards were after you, Jungkook following too. They were protecting you. "Auntie!" You exclaimed through a whimper.

The sound of an arrow shooting out echoed near you, feeling Jungkook's body collapsing against you and pressing you against a wall.

The arrow hit the wall beside you, making you jump slightly. "Y/n! It's dangerous!" He exclaimed through the screams from people in the town.

"I don't care!" You exclaimed back, pushing him away and running to the street. "Y/n." You heard a women's voice say from the side.

"Auntie." You said, feeling relieved to see her safe and sound. Another arrow was shot out, going straight for your aunt.

"Auntie!" You yelled as Jungkook held you back, hugging you from behind with your arms against your chest.

"No!" You yelled loudly, watching your aunt fall to her knees with the arrow in her stomach. "Let me go!" You yelled again.

Jungkook's arms slowly let go of you, letting you run to your auntie when she collapsed back.

You held her close to your chest, her body shaking from the pain she was in. "Auntie, stay awake! I promise I'll help you!" You said worriedly, unable to hold back your tears and sobs anymore.

"Y-Y/n..." Your aunt whispered, coughing softly. "Shh. Don't talk." You said, caressing her cheeks. "I-I can't be saved a-anymore." She whispered.

You sobbed, biting your lips together as she took your hand in hers. Another arrow was shot, hitting the wall behind you.

"Y/n, we have to go! Now!" Jungkook exclaimed, drawing his sword through an enemy's stomach.

"Y/n, it's now your turn." Your aunt whispered. "You have to protect our people with our rituals. You are meant to continue it." She said.

She gasped shakily for air, her eyes widening before slowly collapsing in your arms, her eyes falling closed and her head falling to the side.

"Auntie..." You whimpered, shaking her body to try and wake her. "Auntie!" You cried out, hugging her close to your chest.

"Jungkook, please! Help me help her! Or help me with other people." You said, turning to look at him. "Your grace! You're in danger! We need to go now!" One of the guards exclaimed.

Jungkook glanced between you and the guard, taking a step back. "Jungkook..." You said quietly. He sighed heavily, shaking his head as he stepped back more.

"I'm sorry..."

The Fox Prince | J.JK ✔Where stories live. Discover now