year one: new quidditch recruit

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"He calls you Black?"

"Yeah, arrogant, obnoxious, and distracted too," added Hope, letting out a breath. "He says I'm going to end up in Azkaban if I continue this way, but I think that was the anger talking."

"That foul man, just because he hated James and Sirius does not mean he should talk to you that way." the anger was visibly shown on Remus' face before his eyebrows furrowed together. "Wait, did Hooch say skilled flier?"


Remus turned to face his daughter, who looked guilty. "Hooch said you were a skilled flier, but you've never flown before. Not with me. Unless-- Hope James Lupin, do you have a broomstick in your closet?"

"Maybe? I'm not sure," she looked around, not making eye contact with her father. "Besides, the other night Fred and George showed me some Quidditch tactics anyway. I love the feeling of flying."

The Lupin man glanced at his watch, cursing to himself. "Merlin, Hope, I need to go. I was supposed to meet your grandfather. Owl me if you hear any news about the first match. I love you."

"I love you, too." 

Hermione Granger and Hope Lupin-Black sat at the Gryffindor table, eating lunch in the Great Hall

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Hermione Granger and Hope Lupin-Black sat at the Gryffindor table, eating lunch in the Great Hall. The muggle-born girl was ecstatic over her friend being welcomed onto the Quidditch team.

"I just got done reading a book on Quidditch, there hasn't been a player your age in over a century," Hermione explained, showing the book to her friend. "This is crazy."

"I'm just excited to start training, to actually learn the sport." Hope spoke in awe, not being able to contain her excitement. "And I get to ride on a broomstick, as a first-year! This is going to be the best year."

As she spoke, Alfie Lupin-Black and Cormac McLaggen walked over to the two. "I just got a letter from Papa, you're gonna play Quidditch?"

"Yes! Isn't it thrilling?"

"I guess." he shrugged his shoulders, not seeing the point of Quidditch. "The heights are very unwelcoming, then again, the sport has never been my thing. But, you're the youngest new player in over a century. But, knowing you, you are bound to get hurt."

The McLaggen boy let out a booming laugh. "Hope Lupin? Get hurt? Now that's absurd, Alphard."

"Very funny, Cormac," she narrowed her eyes. "Getting hurt is worth it if I get to play Quidditch."

Hermione shook her head, looking at her friend's brother. "I'll also be learning healing charms, just in case."

Fred and George Weasley walked over to the table, clapping their hands loudly. "First-year Quidditch star? Right here everyone, our very own Hope Lupin!"

"She's small but she's mighty."

"And she's fast."

"And she can throw a quaffle through your head--"

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