Chapter 15

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"How did your date go?" Lauren blurted out, walking towards my locker as I was about to close it, after fixing my books in it.

"First of all, it wasn't a date." Transffering my gaze to Lauren, then back to my locker.

"It seemed like it." Lauren said, trying to give me a cold stare. I couldn't see it, but I can tell she was trying to burn a hole through the side of my head.

"No, Lauren. It wasn't anything like that. I didn't want the guy to feel bad, that's why I said yes at the first place. I would've said no, if I only knew you'd be ignoring me." I said frustratedly, smacking my locker close, facing lauren with anger steaming from me.

"Yeah, right."

"That's it." I stormed off as I half yellled in frustration.

It had been two long weeks of her giving me hard time. After all these days, she can't just come up to me, and say all those words that came out of her mouth. Everytime I steal glances of her, she has been already straring already with cold gazes.

Lauren Jauregui isn't this type of girl, and that is something that I am sure of.


"What club or organization did you join?" Zayn asked, out of the blue.

"I haven't decided on which to join." I answered, truthfully.

"Is the drama club full?" He turned his head to look at me from the back seat.

"No, why did you ask?"

"It looks like they could use some of your skills." He said, winking at me from the rear view mirror, and I kicked his seat.

"Stop it" I said, pouting.

Every single time, Zayn puts so much effort on tyring to put a smile on my face, just before we get home. And that's what I like about him, he never fails to put one on mine. He is not only my personal assitant, but also my best friend. He has been here all the time, since Lauren started ignoring me. Sometimes, I'd ask him why Lauren started ignoring me and I told him what happened, of course, and after that he'd just said one word..jealousy.

I do not believe it was all about jealousy. What was there for her to be jealous? Dylan is never going to be my another best friend.


It was already 10:34 pm, and I was about to sleep when I heard knocks on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked, fixing my composure on the bed.

"Did I wake you up, Camila? If so, I am very sorry for that. A certain somebody wanted to talk to you, I said no at first, but she was persistent. Should I let her come up to your room or let her leave?" A maid politely asked through the door.

I launched off the bed, and I ambled to the door.

I opened the door, saying "No, you didn't wake me up I was just preparing for bed. Does the girl you happen to talk about has green eyes?"

"From what I can recall, yes ma'am." I middle aged woman standing infront of me said.

"Tell her to come up. She knows where my room is."

I waited for three minutes until Lauren came by my door. I don't know what to say honestly. She treated me low and now she is here to do it again? Hell no, this is not going to happen again. I don't hate her. I'm just angry. She didn't have a right to get angry of me just because I said yes to a guy. I mean, this is my life. I am in charge to choose which choice I make. I don't need anybody else come and decide things for me.

"What the hell do you want from me Lauren?" I said with a rugged tone.

Lauren was standing by the door, unsure if she should go in or not. She was wearing a black shirt and sweatpants, so simple but beautiful.

"I am so sorry for what I did the past two weeks," She tried saying, pacing her way near me. "I don't know what got into me to be so crue-"

"Good thing you know." I interrupted, making her head face the floor slowly.

"Camz, I promise, I wont do anything like that again." She says, her voice starring to crack. She was now crying silently.

"I can forgive you, Lauren, but what the hell? I suffered two fucking weeks of you ignoring me. I always tried calling you, in hopes of you explaining why you were so mad at me!" I stormed off my bed, once again. I paced back and forth in my bed room, trying to get my composure back. "It's unfair!"

Lauren was now crying hard with nothing holding her back. She leaned on the wall, and slowly slipping to the floor, covering her whole face with her hands.

I want her to feel what I felt for two weeks. A notable person who suddenly gets mad at you and wont stop bitching around, like her best friend was a nobody.

Lauren finally stood up, wiping her tears harshly and walked to where I was.

"Do you want know why I was so mad at you?" Lauren said just as frustrated as I am.

"No, because I kinda know what got you mad at me. It was because I said yes to Dylan." I grimly suggested.

"N-yes," she groaned, and I smirked. "but it is not just that Camila! I want to tell you, but I know you will distance yourself from me more if I did!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of." I smirked.

"Fuck it!" After those two words came out of her mouth, she crashed her lips unto mine.

I was shocked, and I jerked away immediately.

"What the hell, Lauren?!" I said, pushing her backwards by her shoulder. "You can't just kiss me like that! You know I am not a lesbian, and neither are you!" I spat.

"Don't you get it?!" Lauren spat back. "I am infatuated with you. That is why I was so jealous of Dylan when you said you were going to go to the movies with him. I don't know what happened, but one day I just woke up and knew I was falling for you Camila!" She threw her hands up in her exasperation.

Now I get why Zayn kept saying that.

"Lauren this is just a phase."

"No, Camila! I know this isn't just some kind of phase." Her eyes were watery again.

I don't know what to do. I hate seeing her in this state. I don't know if I would just forgive her and act like she didn't kiss me or make her leave. These thoughts are making my head dizzy.

I walked towards her as she was still looking down the floor, busy trying to clear her tears. I lifted her chin up and kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her neck, deepening the kiss. I felt her tongue begging for me to allow her and I complied with no hesitation.

I am so sorry for not updating. I wrote this just before I went to sleep last night.
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