v i g i l a n t e ✃ francis

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❝i don't want to hurt people, i just want to punish the bad ones

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❝i don't want to hurt people, i just want to punish the bad ones.❞


relationship status; single

interest in love: 45/100

compatibility with lover: n/a

lust: 89/100

love for lover; n/a

previous lovers;
- margot stanton; they started dating in high school when they were juniors and francis had planned to propose to her but she was shot and killed by a racist police officer.

- leo archibald; they hooked up for a couple of years and at one point had feelings for eachother but the " relationship" was ended by francis due to the fact leo had already begun obsessing over the future father of his child, aylius kierkegaard.

romantic and sexual desires; due to his mother's death when he was a child, and his relationship with his father, when it comes to relationships with men and women, francis acts differently. francis is a switch, meaning he can be dominant or submissive depending on the person. francis tends to be more submissive with women, he emotionally depends on them more than he does with men and he tends to need to hear positive reinforcements from women. many of the women he had a relationship with, have compared francis to a puppy, he craves to hear that he's a good person and just wants to be a someone's "good boy" something that his girlfriend margot used to call him. with men francis tends to be closed off at first but when he opens up to them, he tends to want to prove that he isn't a bad person and that he can be successful. francis is more dominant with men but like with women, he tends to be emotionally submissive.

roleplay status: available

interest in friendship: 66%

tolerance of other people: 54%

communication skills: 90/100

current friends;
☙ leo archibald
☙ augustus kingsley
☙ octavia marquet
☙ dawson erickson
☙ sofia deangelo
☙ olivia lamb

current friends;☙ leo archibald☙ augustus kingsley☙ octavia marquet ☙ dawson erickson☙ sofia deangelo☙ olivia lamb

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❝sometimes people have to do bad things to make the world a better place.❞

personality; francis is a mysterious person, after the death of his girlfriend, he has closed himself off from the world and is very private and reserved, at work he is polite and friendly but doesn't like to get personal with anyone. he is quiet and typically keeps to himself. when he does open up to someone, his tender and kind nature is shown. he is extremely kind, even before becoming a vigilante he put others needs before his own, but he does get nervous easily and is actually quiet neurotic; he always feels like someone is watching him or that someone knows what he does at night. he's only been doing this for a few years so every day to him he worries could be the day he could get caught. aside from his worrisome attitude, he is also a very fun guy to be around once he opens up, he is awkward and is like a big lovable giant, his laughter is infectious and he can lighten almost any mood.

appearance; frank is often described as an awkwardly bulky man; he is very broad, his shoulders give him a more box like shape and due to his height he can occasionally come off as larger than life. he has a muscular and large stature, but tends to clumsily walk and seems out of place in most situations. his skin is naturally very pale, it typically gets tan after a really bad sunburn, it is covered in freckles and moles, along with acne scars due to his habit of picking and popping pimples. his face is smooth and has an angular shape and a sharp jawline, as well as a prominent nose, he has a hooded eye shape and dark brown eyes. he occasionally will have facial hair but never grows it out because he thinks it's too much to manage. as for his hair, it is typically kept longer and is dark brown and slightly curly.

hobbies & quirks;
☻he has a seven year old dog named peach that he got with margot

☻his favorite article of clothing is turtleneck

☻he is more of a bath kind of guy

⚬ he has a savior complex and this leads him to focus on other people's problems instead of his own.

⚬ he doesn't ask for help very often and prefers to "work alone" he does have an assistant who knows about his vigilante business, but it took a while for him to allow her to help him.

⚬ he is very over critical of himself

✘ atelophobia; defined as the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough.

⚮ savior complex: a personality construct that, at first glance, appears to be purely motivated by the urge to help; a savior complex is unhealthy and can often give a person an outlet to focus on so that they don't address their own problems.
⚮ bipolar disorder: a disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.
⚮ obsessive compulsive tendencies

natural scent:
ஐ lemon

faceclaim: adam driver

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