Thought Out Planning.

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Your POV

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Me and Peter screamed in disbelief.

"Yes, you heard right, she is the daughter of Tony Stark-"

Strange turned off the TV. I started tapping my robotic leg up and down rapidly. (important information to remember for later.)
"What the fuck.." I whispered to myself. I can't believe Beck did that! "I'm so sorry, Peter.." I whispered turing around to him. "I knew I was gonna have to tell the world about me some day but you-"
"No.. We're going to fix this" he's.. shaking... It'd be fine if it was just me but not Peter.. not him..
"..I have an idea." I raised a finger and turned to everyone. They all had their eyes glued to me in worry. "..I'm just gonna tell em' what happened and hope for the best" I shrugged. MJ slapped her forehead along with the other half of the people who were in the right mind.
"No, she's on to something.. Maybe if you had a camera or something in your suit.." Bruce stood up.
"Wait.. Delilah do you have a camera in my leg or suit?" I asked.
"Of course. All data was recovered from the battle between you, Peter Parker, and Quinten Beck-" she spoke from the intercom.
"Yes! Show me that video!" She made the TV turn on and showed everything that happened. "Okay, copy that on a CD right now, we can't lose it" I demanded walking out the living room to my room.
"Happy, set up a press conference for this afternoon at 2pm ASAP!" I shouted before wobbling in the elevator with my friends and Morgan following.
"Yes ma'am!" He shouted back with a little laugh at the end and a proud smile.
"..I'm bout to fix this shit" I smirked.
Morgan gave me a funny look for saying that word.
I laughed, "I'm sorry, I just got somethin on my mind" I sighed petting her head as everyone poured out of the elevator to my floor. I dragged my IV with me slowly. Morgan slowed down more than I did and gave me some kind of surprised face. What's that about?
"..was it juice pops?" She asked hesitantly.
"..sure was.. that's extortion- cuz that's a word- What kind do ya want?" I asked trying to change the subject and grabbed her hand. "Great minds think alike.. Juice pops.. are exactly what was on my mind.." I smiled and tried to stop stressing about this whole situation.
"We want one too!" Ned shouted from the door to my room.
"Come and get it, lazy bones!" I yelled back opening the freezer.
"Daddy?.." Morgan squeezed my hand tightly.
"..Do I look like daddy?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.
"Daddy said the same things you do.." she whispered lowering her head a little.
"Oh.. It's okay, baby" I squated down and gave her a big hug that seriously hurt my back after but it was worth it. She started crying and hugged me as tightly as she could. "..He's in heaven right now and you know what? I even said hi to him when I was asleep" I smiled kissing her little nose.
"W-What'd he say?" She cried sniffling.
"That he loves you 3000" I smiled remembering that day she said she loved me 3000. Pepper told me that dad said the same thing I did when Morgan said that she loved me 3000 before I left for the trip. Maybe dad just likes invading my head or something in his spare time to mess with everyone. "Now.." I stood back up using the IV thing for help. "What kind of juice pop do you want?"
"Wred!" She slurred. I pulled out a red one for me and her and 3 random ones for everyone else.
"Let's go" I smiled handing her the juice pop and walked to my room.
"JUICE POPS!" Morgan screamed hurting my ears and jumped right on the bed with everyone else.
She threw each of my friends one and ate her own while trying not to make a mess on my bed.
"Are we really going to do this?" Peter asked sitting the wrong way in my computer chair.
"I figured I'd tell them the truth about everything and you can do whatever you want" I sighed shaking my head and went to sit on a comfy chair in the other corner of the room.
"I guess I'll do the same.. I don't think I can deny it-" he started off with his head down.
"Uh, yeah you can. If I tell them the truth they'll have all their trust in me and if I tell them you're not Peter Parker and that you're just some random dude they'll believe it without a doubt. Think about it.." I raised my eyebrows and started licking my juice pop.
"She's right Peter. No one would know" Ned added in.
"Yeah but now the biggest nerd in school will have all the attention and lets face it... He's bad with secrets when he gets pressured" MJ pointed out.
"If I come out as a Stark and everyone knew that I went to the same school as peter then they would all put two and two together...." I muttered forgetting about my juice pop and let it melt. "I can't tell them that... I have an idea. You just need to go with it" I pointed my pop at peter with narrowed eyes.
"I trust you" he grinned eating his juice pop. I smirked taking a bite out of mine.
"... you two should probably get in uniform then..." Ned suggested, already finished with his.
"Delilah can you get someone to send me my less flashy suit? Can you also send that CD?" I asked looking up.
"Of course." She replied through the intercom.
"I don't have a suit that isn't burned and torn to shreds or isn't super flashy" Peter looked down at his old, torn, bunrned up suit he's wearing and put his empty popsicle stick on the desk.
"I got it" I grinned. His face turned super confused. "Morgan go look in that closet. I think there was something familiar in there" I told her. She jumped off my bed and ran to the closet. This has been a secret for a while and I guess it's time to pull it out.
"Ta daaa" I pointed at the same old red and blue suit he had from the very beginning.
"What? Did you fix it?" I asked in amazement and got up grabbing the suit form Morgan.
"Yep. You're welcome" I grinned feeling proud of myself and continued to bite my popsicle stick.
"Y/n! Delilah said you need your suit and this CD!" Pepper knocked on the door. Morgan ran over and opened it. "Hey girly" she smiled petting Morgan's head and gave me the stuff.
"Perfect. Thanks mom" I smiled taking the things from her as she handed them to me on the chair.
"You're welcome" she kissed my forehead. I scrunched my nose when she did that. "What's the plan?"
"I'm gonna show everyone what happened. Me and Peter will be in uniform and we'll deny being ourselves" I did that awkward face Peter likes to do.
"I see" she narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Can I help?" She grinned tilting her head.
"Of course. You know what to do" I smirked. She gave me a wink and walked out forcing Morgan to go along too.
"So.." Ned and MJ's head tilted at the same time.
"-Did you two have sex last night?" MJ blurted out. I choked on air and erupted into a coughing fit.
"Why- cough- the hell wo- cough- would you ask that?!" I screamed between coughs.
"N-No!" Peter shouted clearly embarrassed and very red in the face.
"They're too innocent for that-" Ned lightly elbowed MJ in the arm. She nodded her head in agreement. I finally cleared my throat and took a good deep breath.
"..You two are perverts..." I groaned in pain from the stitches in my side.
"No, we're your friends and we need to know the details!" Ned crossed his arms super sassy like.
"W-We didn't" Petter stuttered looking over at me.
I scratched my head sighing, "Peter you make it seem like we did.." I rolled my eyes.
"O-Oh.." he muttered looking down.
"Dear lord.." I whispered.
"You know you guys have like 5 hours till you lie to the world right?" Ned spoke up.
"Yeah thanks.. I know Ned" I sighed putting my hands over my face. "Delilah is there a CD player somewhere?" I asked without looking up.
"In the main living room, Y/n"
"Was the video hacked or changed when you burned the CD?"
"Someone from the outside tried but failed to changed anything although I made them believe they did so" she told me.
"Oooooooo, do you hear that? I bet Beck is listening in on this right now or maybe he has one of his henchmen trying to frame us some more?" I started tapping my robotic leg in morose code for Delilah asking if she has something covering the compound so one one can see in or if there was anyone in the compound who didn't belong. She took control of my leg and made it bounce back in morose code saying, "No one unknown is inside and I've long taken security actions as soon as you got home".
I winked at Peter with a grin. Peter seemed to realize what I was doing with my leg because I never bounce them up and down randomly. He smiled and our friends were utterly confused.
"Can they hear us?" I asked Delilah.
"I'm working on cutting out the audio" she replied.
"...Did you do it?" I asked her again. I knew from the beginning someone had their ears in here so I told Delilah to damage their recordings which was why I said my whole plan out loud anyway.
"Right when you asked in the living room"
"Can they hear anymore?"
"Not at all. Activating Compound wide lockdown." Suddenly everything on the outside got encased in a weird material.
"YES! I can't believe that worked!" I did a little dance in my chair. Everyone stared at me in shock.
"What the hell did you do?!" Ned screamed hurting my ears.
"First, be quiet and second, I sent messages in morose code to Delilah this entire time. Beck was trying to record and listen to us but right after Doctor strange turned of the TV I told her to disrupt the audio signals and just now when I was tapping my foot we were talking back and forth... I'm amazing, I know" I kept doing my dance.
"She really is a Stark.." Ned whispered.
"Yep, I know" I moved my arms and legs around in my in my chair accidentally hurting myself "-Ow"
"You're smart but without common sense.." MJ sighed rubbing her head.
"Y/n! Peter!" Pepper ran into my room with everyone else too.
"What's going on?!" Happy yelled. It took them that long to get here after I called the lock down? Seriously?
"Don't worry, I'm just a genius" I bit my lip and continued my dance. Peter laughed at my dancing skills so I stopped...
"Beck was listening this whole time we think-" Peter began.
"We know-" I corrected Peter. "Well maybe it wasn't Beck himself but it was some of his team. Anyway, I fixed it and I have the video of him trying to kill us" I smiled real big.
"Glad to know-" Captain Marvel tried to speak but I just remembered something.
I gasped giving everyone a heart attack. "Sorry-" I apologized for the scare, "Peter, give me E.D.I.T.H. i think she might have something too" my eyes widened and I looked straight to peter. He hurried and took them out from his suit and handed them to me hesitantly. "It's okay" I mouthed then put them on. Everyone squeezed in my room and found a seat on the floor or my bed.
"Can you show me all the past commands?" I asked her.
"Of course, Y/n Stark." It said and showed me a list of every single command starting from the very beginning...
"Show me Quinten Beck's commands please" I said quietly scrolling through dad's old commands before she showed me Beck's. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw every horrible thing he did.. "Do you have recordings of him?"
"Unfortunately my camera was shut off as soon as Quinten Beck took over. When Peter Parker regained control my camera went back online.
"Show the video to everyone please"
The video showed the last few minutes of us before we got on the plane. Peter had the glasses and suddenly I pushed him on the ground then guns sounded off sending shivers down my spine from bad memories. It didn't seem that scary at the time..
"Shut it off E.D.I.T.H." Peter spoke up as the video turned off. I let my head slowly fall to my hands with another sigh. A sigh of relief..
"I-I'm sorry.." Peter whispered with a voice crack. I looked back up at him and smiled shaking my head.
"Don't be." I swallowed the pain of that day in a gulp. His eyes always turn red so quickly. He has to stop giving me these sad faces or I won't be able to live with myself.
"What are you planning to do?" Doctor Strange spoke up after some silence.
"Walk out in uniform, show them the little video. Have mom come out and say something about never having kids with dad I guess then deny everything about our identities. Ned should probably call Flash and some other kids from school that went on the trip to come here. They'll help us a lot in this" I looked over at Ned for the last bit.
"What? Are you gonna-"Ned tried to ask.
"-No I'm not gonna tell them. Flash hates Peter to the core and will probably say something about peni-" I tried to hold it together but every time I say that name...
"Penis Parker?" MJ raised an eyebrow. I took a breath and tried to act like it wasn't hilarious. Peter threw his head back in embarrassment.
"Y-Yeah that... Betty and Brad will help us deny it because we were with them the whole time plus you two will be there." I looked from MJ to Ned.
"Penis!" Morgan yelled.
"Pfft.... Ahaha!" I laughed getting glares from all around the room.
"Penis! Penis! Pe-" she screamed jumping up and down and almost made me fall out of my chair in laughter.
"M-Morgan!" I shouted over her. "Peter coined that word too! You can't say it!" I giggled putting my hand over my mouth.
"What the fuck!" She screamed and jumped up.
"AHAHAHA!" Thor busted out laughing.
"Hey! I coined that one!" I shouted over everyone's laughs.
"Okay, okay... That's enough!" Mom yelled. Oop..
Everyone went quiet immediately and moved to the next subject.
"Y/n you'll still be using that IV all day, I don't care if you're gonna be on TV and Peter if you don't stay by her side the whole time I'll seriously hurt you" mom made one hell of an angry face at me and Peter. We nodded looking from each other to her.
"...why don't we talk about fun stuff now." Clint grinned.
"Fun stuff?" I whispered to myself.
"What did you do while you were alone last night with your so called 'partner'?" Thor laid on his stomach while kicking his legs back and forth on my bed like a teenage girl.
"Uhh.." I muttered looking over to Peter with a weird look. "Why does everyone care?"
"Because your Tony's daughter and we have to monitor you so hurry up and answer the man!" Sam spoke up.

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